Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rejoice Military moms !!!

Military moms (and moms to be) have a reason to be happy.

The govt has finally enhanced fully paid maternity leave from the existing 60 days to 180 days bringing it at par with civilians as per 6th CPC recommendations. The same is applicable to all, including Short Service Commissioned Officers. The maternity leave shall be valid for two children. The good news is that even those officers who have already joined duty on or after 01 Sept 2008 after availing the previously existing 60 days leave, can still avail the balance. Good gesture this one. The govt letter can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.

Oh Yes, and by the way, this blog reached the One million (10,00,000 / Ten Lac) hits mark yesterday.


  1. Dear Navdeep Sir,
    The more we say good for you is less.

  2. Hi Navdeep

    Great news!!

    Can you also inform us Lt Cols who retired between 1/1/06 and 1/9/08 as to when we will get our:-

    1.Arrears of pay.
    2.Arrears of pension.

    Our last pay drawn on retirement, new pension, gratuity, leave encashment,commutation, etc, has yet to be fixed.

    Can you please shed some light?


    R S Malik

  3. navdeep sir, congratulations for reaching 1000000 visitors in this blog. its a wonderful blog and very helpful indeed

  4. Dear Maj Navdeep,

    1. Contribution of ur site in putting us in pb4 can not be denied/ debated by any one. May I request you to focus on certain other important issues pertaining to service officers. Some of the issues in my opinion are :

    (a) Uniform retirement age for all ranks.

    (b) Liberal exit policy (with three months of notice) with a few years of intial engagement depending on branch/arm. Modelaties may be worked out.

    (c) Removal of pernmanently passed over system with certain weightage to seniority in addition of taking average of last seven/ten reports.

    (d) Posting to important/ critical assignment may be based on ARs.

    2. Your site is now being read by any and every one who is even remotely linked to services. Therefore I beleive that at some time the focus and synergy on these issues would definately lead to removal of some of the self inflicted misries of service officers.

    3. I also understand that not only u can pass these issues to ur contacts in decision making but also fight it out from legal angle.

    4. Eagerly looking forward for some action from ur end.

    As always, regards and best wishes.


  5. Blog is an instant success.I have seen many blogs covering pay commission.The one which was equally good was pay commission for babus.But with time that blog failed 2 update the posts in time and lost its position.Comments on the chat box of this blog that this blog is not is a pointer 2 that.U have hits when u talk abou a burning issue.The author of blog should not loose the sensitivity to the subject.The no of comments on a post tells u which issue is more sensitive and you get the answer whether u r or not

  6. Hearty congrats Navdeep...The hits speak of the popularity, truth and wisdom. Keep blogging and educating us.

  7. congrats Navdeep on acheiving the millionth hit.your patience is commended sifting through so much of material.

  8. Dear Sir

    Can you throw some light on Residential Telephone ceiling limit letter which has been circulated (Major-Rs800 per Month)
    We dont know who all are authorised this or who r these entitled officers

    Maj PSS

  9. Dear Navdeep,

    Way to go before we sleep. Keep it up.


  10. Hi Navdeep,
    Congrats for one million visitors !!Well done,keep it up.
    By the way,can you expedite giving
    replies to our comments so that it
    becomes more interesting for us and you get more visitors too !!

  11. Hello Navdeep sir

    Please Add a counter in u'r site

    It will add some charm.

    well done :)

  12. I refer the comment of anony at 1129 am on 21 Mar 09.

    The first step in this dirction should be making retirement age same for Col TS and Col Select.


  13. Hats off!

    Points that our guys are tech savvy but why then is there no debate on the burning issues and where the AF need to be when these guys reach the decision making stage.

    Tapan at 11.29 AM has listed a few issues which need to be debated among others. May be you can open topical posts on some of these issues under your moderation.

    No reply on the MES JCOs grouse, yet?

    Once again- congrats for the million hits and thanks for the yeoman service.

  14. Dear Navdeep,

    Congratulations for having fans who've visited ur blog a million times.....wish u man many moe.

    Your sincerity and time that you have devoted to the men in uniform makes your blog such a powerful one. The platform for discussions and debates on any topics related to the sevice gives the men in uniform a freedom to express themself covertly/overtly and yet read many the people in the power corridor. So keep going and keep doingthe good work. Wishing you all the best in the years to come. Do take up more issues and you will earn a billion blessings in return.

  15. hey... i never got the credit for the millionth hit. i think i was the one...wat say folks?

  16. @saran @11.40 pm
    congrats to you also Saran.If it was a commercial blog like in say google or so ,you would have got a whopping gift.for being the millionth hitter.

  17. Congrats to Military Moms.But one does not know why the baboos took 4 months to issue simple orders like this!!
    Dear Navdeep Could there be similar rejoice in offing for the disabled? Is the revision of disability pension as per 6CPC recommendatios also being belatedly
    reconsidered? Could you let us know the latest on this issue?(even a rumour would do )

  18. @navdeep yeh hai hindustan meri jaan............... jiski lathi uski bhains...........can we go to the court to regularise the issue of status???????????

  19. can you please tell about the status regarding no of leaves authorised to the male officers whose wives are pregnant

  20. hi, what about military pops - i mean paternity leave of 15 days is it there for us? kindly somone give me the rule at my address - Thanx

  21. Congrats navdeep.can you throw some light on paternity leave along with ref

  22. Military moms can enjoy.But what about her male counterpart who has to do her job in addition to his own.
    Maternity leave should be made half pay.The half deducted from the lady officers pay should be given to the overburdened officer as an incentive.

  23. Is the child-care leave also applicable for "military moms" - if yes whether both for PC and SSC officers? Thanks


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