Saturday, April 11, 2009

'Our' blog completes one year today

It’s been a year since this blog came into existence. I’m sure readers would have enriched their knowledge by interacting with each other.

A friend who is a regular visitor wanted to know which posts have had the maximum hits, which generated the most comments and so on. I found the data interesting and do not mind sharing it with you. So here are some vital statistics :

Total Blog Posts


Maximum number of hits in one single day


First Post

6th CPC further cements the legacy of degradation of military ranks

Posts with the maximum comments

The make believe world of inferiority : Courtesy the 6th CPC
More on the "SAG is equivalent to Maj Gen" misnomer

Rejoinders and discussion thereon

Oh What have you done Mr Dutta ! (Saikat Dutta of the Outlook)
Abhinav replies and amplifies (Abhinav Kumar, IPS)

Most viewed ‘guest post’

God Save us from ourselves (BeeCee)

Most circulated blog post

Let’s stop cribbing and concentrate on ‘homework’ : A wake up call

Thanks for all the support.


  1. Dear Navdeep,

    Heartiest congrats!! for making a positive impact..
    Keep it up.
    Its time to make your blog as a homepage...


  2. You are doing a Fantastic job. Keep it up.

    Gp Capt A B Mehta (Retd)

  3. I think i have been reading this block since it began. You havent let emotions take over the sanity and doing a great job. Hope things will start looking up for military community


  4. Hearty congrats maj.navdeep.your blogs are really educative, informative and lively too. benefited all, particularly the retirees.may God bless you ( with long, healthy and happy life.and your blog)

  5. Dear Navdeep, You are doing a great job. Keep it up. Heartiest Congrats. Gopal

  6. Congrats Maj Navdeep- This blog has really united educated and motivated a big mass of disciplined untouchable society of Armed Forces. This is a movement and must carry ON.-Watchdog.

  7. congratulations Navdeep keep up the good work.......actually this blog is become a habit now..... 'if you dont see this you nwill some thing is missing in life.....'

    A request if you can provide links to the soft documents related to servives can be given at one place for easy access of people like us... will benifit a lot.. through you are uploading but it is difficult to access.

  8. Heartiest Congrats Dear Maj Navdeep!! For me without having a look at your Blog my day won't start. Very educative, knowledgeable, informative and beneficial to all both serving and retirees. keep it up! May God Bless You!!...........Regards
    Lt Col(Retd)KVS Choudhary

  9. Good Navdeep,
    Every second day you bring out something new,making it exciting.
    keep up the good work.

  10. Dear Navdeep,
    You are doing a great job. Keep it up. You are doing a Fantastic job.
    Heartiest Congrats.

  11. Dear Navdeep,
    accept my heartiest congrats for selfless service rendered through your blog to the Armed Forces. The Forces need persons like you to wake them up. I was taken aback as to why the C O A S through A G went in appeal to Supreme court against Hon High court in the case of Maj Gens pay and Pension less than a Brig. WHY?
    Well done and Keep it up Jai Hind. I D

  12. Dear Maj Navdeep, Heartiest congrats for the excellent work!!! i wonder if you can throw some light on the Road Mileage Allowance (RMA). as per the rules, RMA is paid on the basis of the RTO rates fixed for that particular station. the details are available at the CDA website.

    the rates vary from Rs 2 per KM for sulur(fixed way back in 1987) to Rs 16 for Tenga.
    i think this state of affairs is quite ridiculous.
    can you intervene and throw some more light on this stupid rule, and also help the QMGs Branch out of their stupor to do something about it? Thanks

  13. Heartiest Congrtulations. Lcdr(r)Beniwal

  14. Dear Maj Naveep, Congratulations on making a wonderful and a very forceful presence in our net-lives. It has been a wonderful journey for all of us , going through your posts, going through and discussing all that you said, all that you shared, and I do hope that the contents of the post where we need to introspect is really taken up in the right spirit. That is one single thing which if addressed will really increase the level of motivation in the services today
    Jai Hind and God bless you and your yeoman work


  15. Great job indeed!!

    At some stage you may like to compile extracts on 6th CPC with special reference to rank parity over the years duly supported by GOI letters as a unofficial reference for future Defence Services Pay Commissions.

    Good Luck!!

  16. This site is just not an information site but also a welcome eye opener for people like us who never knew whats happening around. Now the blog has become a daily affair with me. The most interesting part is that even without participating we can read on and on and on and on and the old postings are always refreshing as new.

    My heartiest congratulations to Navdeep Sir, His team and all the members.

    Jai Hind

  17. No words for ur comments, except well done and keep it up.
    God bless

  18. Dear Navdeep,Congrats,you are doing a service to the org.keep it up!

  19. Dear Maj Navdeep Sir, kindly accept our belated but heartiest greetings on reaching this mile stone! May your blog grow from strength to strength and keep serving the services with even higher enthusiasm and vigour. xyz n family

  20. Dear Major,

    Congratulations, Please keep up the good job.


    Munish Bhagi


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Comments would be strictly moderated and those with personal or generalised slants and harsh language would not be published.

You are requested to bear with the comment editors since the process is subjective and not always under the direct supervision of Maj Navdeep Singh.

Comments with proper identification are encouraged rather than anonymous posts.

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