Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More committees ??? (and something from the Court, and something for disabled veterans from the poll activated system too !!!)

Yessir !!!

One more committee to look into the disconnect of past and present pensioners. This one again headed by the Cabinet Secretary. But the small saving grace this time, which may be unknown to many, is that there are probably two retired flag officers from the military who have been co-opted in this committee, one from the Land and the other from the Sea.

Secondly, readers may be well aware of the SPS Vains Vs UOI case involving the pensions of Major Generals which was decided against the govt by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Even the review petition filed by the govt was dismissed. The judgement has still not been implemented but the Ministry of Defence has assured the Hon’ble Court in a Contempt hearing that it shall be duly implemented completely within a period of three months.

And Yes, the notification for disability pension according to 6th CPC formulae and rates has been issued. The new rates of disability pension, special family pension, liberalised pension, invalid pension and war injury pension have been notified. The poll has played its role. Last time the notification for disability and related benefits was released in January 2001, that is, three years after the 5th CPC was implemented (1998), but this time it has not even taken a year, thanks to the elections ???. Well, whatever. Disabled veterans and NOK have something to look forward to.


  1. Rates of revised disability pensions ? If notified,a copy of the notification may kindly be published on this site.
    will it apply to pre 1-1-06pensioners ?

  2. SBI Bhopal is combining the two pensions ( service pension and disability pension) to arrive at the revised pension. The combined figure is being applied with para 5 of MOD letter dt 11-11-08.
    In other words the two pensions are being merged togather to arrive at the revised pension.
    I think disability portion ,should be payble in addition ( over and above ) the service pension .

  3. Hi Navdeep,
    Good news. Hope it is as per 6cpc.
    Warm Regards,

  4. can some one let us know if orders for payment of arrers for those who were in re employment prior to 1.1.86 but continued till 2007.
    thanks who ever gives the info

    Lt Col sharma (RETD)

  5. I don't think any ex-servicemen is member of the high level committee. The News that appeared in TOI had only Babus as members

    Wg Cdr SC Batra

  6. @SC

    Would you like to trust the news in the paper ?


    Well, it is wrong. There are two memebers on it !!!

  7. As per the latest notification the gazette says disability pension for post 2006 pensioners. kindly recheck.

    Deep Singh

  8. the rates of disability pension are only for post 2006 pensioners

    Deep Singh

  9. This appears to be a game of One upmanship on the part of UPA (to overtake the BJP) to woo the learge population of ESM in the States that are going for Election now.
    Making the same fellow, who made things worse for the Fauj after SCPC, to head this committee appears to be a ploy.
    ESM should not get fooled by this
    trick of the present GOvt.

  10. Gross injustice done to the pre 1-1-2006 pensioners. No benefit with this notification as the disabled pensioners are getting the same amount before this notification.

  11. @ All

    Pls stop living in fools paradise. Such committees are anounced only to hood wink the gullible fauj. Just think it over, do you have any idea how many committees Cab Secy is heading, must be more than 15 methinks. What can you expect from such an eye wash?

    Wanna see outcome of some more committees as regards AF are concerned, pls read this article

  12. At the very outset i would like to submitt thatI would not like to be labeled as a pessimist or having a negative approach on the subject of sudden emergence of three different committees on similar / interconnected subject of defence pensioners.
    The announcement of these committees in the thick of election process would be looked down with suspicion by not only the affected parties ,both the opposition as well as the defence community, as motivated to gain electrol advantage but as reported ,even the election commission has sought comments from the Cabinet secretary.
    It is rather unethical to keep such matters pending all the while when the present Govt had all means at its disposal to make a decision since it had all along known the issues involved .I just wonder what would further delibrations bring out!This is apparently danglig a carrot to the defence community as a bait for gaining their vote when the political startegist of the political party came out with the suggestion of floating out these committees.
    What is the dateline for the findings to be finalised is NOT KNOWN to an ordinary affected individual.One is rather constrained to view the whole exercise with sceptism/suspician. It has perhapes been successful in generating HOPE against HOPE since "a drowning man catches at a straw".
    Wg Cdr(Retd)

  13. Sir,
    I am Defence Pensioner and 100% disabled while in duty confined to wheelchair.

    I had opened my pension account in SBI, Macherla which has best reputation in terms of trust and service.

    Since 2002 when i was discharged from I am getting pension
    Basic 1275/- PM (Minimum Service Element) DA applicable
    Disability Pension 1550/- PM (100% disability) DA applicable
    Constant Attendant Allowance 600/- PM
    Commutation ( - ) 286/-

    I am getting my pension from SBI ( Now, Centralized Pension Processing Centre SBI, Hyderabad)

    Now as per 6PC proceedings w.e.f Jan 2006
    Service Element 3500/- + DA
    Disability Element 3500/- + DA
    Constant Attendant Allowance 3000/- PM (not medical allowance)
    Total 11,800/-

    Circular No.410 Dated: 13.05.2009.
    Attached for your perusal
    Page 4/14 cites this info:
    (v) Constant Attendance Allowance:
    With effect from 01.01.2006, Constant Attendance Allowance, in all eligible
    battle/non battle casualty case shall be paid at the revised rate of Rs. 3000/- p.m.,
    irrespective of the rank. Further this rate to increase by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised pay band goes up by 50%.

    Where as I am getting around 9200/- a month at present, when i asked the bank they are not responding saying that it's from CPPC which has to approached for needful, since am confined to wheelchair, its hardly possible for me to reach the office.

    In Feb 09 - Rs.13,000/- and Rs.19,000/- in Dec 09 credited as arrears.

    As per my understanding the bank is calculating as
    (3500+3510)*DA+600(CAA) - 286(Commutation) = 9200(approx)

    instead it should be (3500+3510)*DA+3000(CAA) - 286(Commutation)
    = 12180(approx)

    My colleagues who are similar cases and SBI pensioners are in Pune and come under CPPC, Mumbai, they got 1.55L as pending arrears on 24-Mar-2010 and getting pension as stated above.

    Kindly suggest me.



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