Saturday, June 6, 2009

(1) It‘s going to be ‘Parity in Pension’ in lieu of OROP, and (2) ‘Salute’ salutes the Sappers

There are indications in place that the govt is soon going to announce the much needed respite to pre-2006 pensioners by announcing a system incorporating ‘parity in pensions’. While this may not be at par with OROP, still it would definitely bridge the gap between pre and post 2006 pensioners. In all probability, the new system would be incorporated only for personnel other than Commissioned Officers. Officers may have a formula different than PBOR. The exact modalities would be available for all to see once the recommendations are presented to the govt by the committee(s) set up for the purpose, which incidentally would be weeks and not months.

Now for the second unrelated post. The latest edition of ‘Salute’ magazine carries some insightful stories on the Sappers. Amongst others, there is an interview with the Engineer-in-Chief, Lt Gen Gautam Dutt, VSM, the sports and battle achievements of the Corps of Engineers and the contribution of the Corps towards disaster management. For the uninitiated, ‘Salute to the Soldier’ is a privately published magazine and a brain-child of Maj Maroof Raza. It is the first non-governmental military publication of its kind which refreshingly deals with social aspects of service life and other military issues.

Coming back to the Sapper special issue of ‘Salute’. Those who know Gen Dutt would agree that the Sappers could not have had a better bet. Being a Bengal Sapper’s son, I cannot overtly wax eloquent about him lest people suggest that I’m biased, but the thinking General (no this is not an oxymoron) is going to leave a legacy that would be pretty tough to carry on. Known to be approachable, democratic, amiable and open to new ideas, he is not your regular 3-Star General but more like a friendly elder whose advice one can count on. The Corps of Engineers Special also has separate articles on all three Sappers (Madras / Bengal / Bombay), the BRO, MES and some other interesting tidbits. The magazine can be subscribed through Flags Media, J-7 / 21 A, DLF Phase-II, Gurgaon-122002 (Haryana) and the web edition can be accessed through


  1. Welcome move. But the phrase "other than Commissioned Officers" is intriguing.

  2. Dear Maj Navdeep,

    Does it mean that there will be no parity in pensions for commissioned officers?

  3. Dear Navdeep,
    Ref your "thinking General (no this is not an oxymoron)".Yes this has never been an oxymoron. Right from Alexander to Hannibal to Samudragupta to Chengez Khan to Saladin to Richard the Lion Heart to Shivaji ...... etal, it is seen that military success requires lots of serious thought in field conditions that too in limited time often with inadequate info. Wisdom is not anybodys sole preserve.

  4. Good news for Men. Even for Post 2006 Offr retirees - upgradation to post 02 Sep 08 could be a simple trick to bring one cat down. Like wise ugradation of pre 96 to pre 06 could again bring one cat down. The idea of parity has to be invoked for offrs as well...though evidently its tricky

  5. With the Govt order for placing Lt Col in Pay Band-IV almost 95% officer community has been put to an ratinal edge. I have not seen in my service career any officer retiring below Lt Col execpt SSC. Now in fact this reform is badly needed for PBOR.

  6. Dear Navdeep,
    Apropos "Thinking General", having served under him I absolutely agree with your description of Gen Dutt. Wish we had more of his tribe.

  7. Parity of pension should mean almost same pension for same lenght of service.
    If an officer retired after say 30 years of service .Firstly, it should be decided as to what rank he/she would have reached by time scale promotions under existing orders .Then he/she should be given the pension for that rank, as entitled to the officer of that rank retiring with same length of service.
    It should be applicable to all pensioners irrespective of rank retired with.

  8. Dear Navdeep,

    Thanks for the update.


  9. All.

    General Dutt should have chosen the General Cadre of the Army and should have headed the fauj one day. We missed out on one great man - humane and wih no airs about himself. That's what makes a true General. A real Leader who earns respect not through the usual OGiness syndrome but by spreading love and affection.

    I'm sure even his military skills would put even Infantry Generals to shame.

    Thanks Navdeep for telling the world about him.

    And to top all that, he's a RIMColian.

  10. Gen Dutt is a thinking General,we need more of his ilk

  11. Talking about Rimcollians,,,,,,,,,the CBI director also happens to be one.Now u know why it is so efficient,lol..........I think we can pit Rimcollians to deal with the babus..........They will outsmart the babus,am sure.........After all it takes a crook to catch another one........No offence meant to Rimcollians,I am friends with many but these guys are smart from top to bottom

  12. Kindly post me email address of senior record officer eme record secunderabad for complaining my pension anomalies.Also,tell me is their any email address of pensioner complain cell operating in eme record office.PLease furnish email address of any officer/office to complain pension related matters on email address is


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