Monday, June 8, 2009

Them and Us, There and Here.....




Experience 'us' here and here too.


  1. What a shame!!! The fact is the Babus refuse to buzz till the time their personal interest is involved. The irony is that some of our people has also started acting like that. God give peace to the departed soul.

  2. Navdeep,
    As always you've hit the nail right on the head.Please send a copy to the honourable Raksha Mantri and the other big wigs sitting at South Block. They need to learn a lesson. It is high time veterans here are treated with respect....not the way they are treated trash!!

  3. @Anony at 6.44
    @Naren at 6.49

    The problem in this case was not a resultant of bureaucratic hurdles but a big goof-up by the Records Office.

    They kept rejecting letters endorsed by Bachan Singh on flimsy grounds without any reference to the MoD or Army HQ. Ultimately one single letter by Gen Pattabhiraman brought the entire mechanism in motion and his re-survey medical board was ordered (in fact RSMB is more of a right under the rules than a discretion) ultimately leading to the vindication of his stand. It's sad that while most of us perceive the problem to originate from 'civilians', it is mostly the lack of knowledge and understanding of the applicable rules and policy on the part of the uniformed community which leads to such issues. And having dealt with such issues I find that there is also a lack of standardisation of behaviour amongst various Record Offices and Directorates. To take an example, while dealing with an exactly similar problem of two individuals, I found that the Armoured Corps Records were downright proactive and went all out to help that particular veteran going to the extent of even detailing personnel to visit the family, the response of an Infantry Regtl Records (won't name the Regt) left much to be desired. While the problem of that Sowar was sorted out in a period of two months flat, the Infantry Naik and his family are still on the road and it has been three years now.

    Let us not blame the MoD or 'big-wigs' at South Block, let us first look within.

  4. If we read page 19 of Times of India, New Delhi edition in the coln "Around The World". UK WW1 veteran marks 113th birthday. Henry Allingham was gifted a cake by The Royal Marines and a Royal Navy Heptr flew overhead. This is how the War veterans are honoured not only by their kith & Kin but their Regts/ Govt.
    U P Mathur

  5. It is about time faujis stopped blaming civilians for everything and looked inwards for the problems they face. I can say with certainty that most problems that the Services face with bureaucracy are a because of their own faults. For example, I can relate an incident when one PSO in a Service Headquarters was pressing MoD for blacklisting of a firm and at the same time, another PSO in the same Headquarters was pressurising MoD to give the same firm a contract on single tender basis! And the Vice Chief of the Service concerned was blaming the MoD!!
    So my advice to the uniformed lot is to first try and get their own house in order before blaming babus.
    Finally, I may add that I know for sure that the recommendations regarding OROP currently under discussion in at least one of the ESM forums would get the goat of everyone except the small number constituting a particular rank and God forbid, should those be accepted, the babus would carry the can.

  6. Col NR Kurup (Retd)June 8, 2009 at 2:08 PM

    Anonymoua ,10.57,

    Can you please elucidate following portion of your comments please ? ...."except the small number constituting a particular rank and God forbid,"

  7. During the last few days, 65th anniv of D Day landings was celebrated throughout Europe. Obama attended these celebrations by being present in Normandy alongwith French President. Earlier in Germany he visited the US soldiers injured in the Afghan War.

    This is the respect being paid to "their" soldiers.

    In India, we all know the truth. The less said the better.

    What can I as a soldier in uniform do but to feel frustrated & worthless in our society? However hard i try to be optimistic, it just doesnt work.

    Neither "they" nor "us" are at fault."We" as a nation are at fault.

    I hope that things improve or else "...the nation whose army is forgotten is itself soon forgotten".


  8. This country is not worth fighting for.

  9. Dear Navdeep,
    Please refer to your comments.
    I think our perceptions differ. I, like several veteran soldiers of this country look upon the politicians and the baboos as people whose attitude towards the veterans leaves much to be desired for otherwise we wouldn’t have had a situation where tens of thousands of them led by a person no less than a retired Lt Gen had to surrender their medals to the Rashtrapathi. I agree Bachan Singh’s case may have been different but there are several Bachans amongst us who are the victims of gross apathy of the netas and baboos. Several of them are in penury making it difficult to make both ends meet. Let’s not always blame ourselves( our record office, our PSOs, our headquarters….) for the miseries of our old, retired, forgotten soldiers. That would amount to “rationalization” as psychiatrists would call it.
    Let me add that as a regular visitor to your blog, I have a lot of regards for you……keep up the good job….regards

  10. Lt Col NS Sandhu (Retd)June 8, 2009 at 7:49 PM

    My Dear Major Navdeep,

    My heart felt thanks to you for putting all the efforts to get the revised PPO issued for arrears of pension respecting Vetran Bachan Singh. Duty bound DPDO Ropar should have send the PPO to Punjab & Sind Bank Behrampur without waiting for any request.

  11. Dear Major,

    Its indeed a great job done for a veteran who feels atleast there are some people who care for him. We at the same time need to look within our system and ensure that all veterans are given their basic emoluments authorised and just not attend to the peolple who are climbing up the ladder...

  12. i would recommend everyone to watch a movie- 'Taking Chance'. it is about how americans treattheir dead soldiers. worth a watch.

  13. dear navdeep,
    kudos to all your efforts
    may this be the wake up call for all those who forget that everyone has to retire sometime,
    so look after the veterans,
    be proud to be a soldier
    do good, be good
    jai hind

  14. It is indeed sad the way we neglect our veterans. Incidents like these should spur us into action. Let each Stn HQ create, district wise and Regt wise cells, comprising ESM, who can communicate matters pertaining to veterans and request for assistance where required. It is time ESM did something for themseleves instead of looking to or blaming others. Our Armed Forces are a very mature and old organisations, I am sure we can with a little coordination look after our own.

  15. Dear Navdeep
    Lets not get Senti about how our Armed Forces are being treated by the Govt.The Royal tag was tacken away by the Brits when they left us on the mercy of Naive polititians and a handfull of ICS offrs along with a huge army of royal clerks.There after The Indian Army continued to work with Honour and Pride but the Polititians and civilians still thought it was an instrument of suppression and power of the Crown.
    Unfortunatly even today our Armed force have the British pride in them,which is even more irritating to the Civil Democratic Govt and of course Babus.There fore the treatment given is to get the Generals to Mother Earth.Had the Armed Forces realised in 1947 that they are no longer Royal and Desi and Adapted to the new set of unexprianced and Naive leadership and moulded them selves and The Govt rules the Armed Forces wouldnt have been in such a plight as tody.Loyalty is a nice virtue but ignorance is unpadonable.

    Armed Forces should now wake up to the fact that we are now DESI and not ROYAL and work for the betterment of our great country starting with looking after there own troops.

  16. Dear Navdeep
    Lets not get Senti about how our Armed Forces are being treated by the Govt.The Royal tag was tacken away by the Brits when they left us on the mercy of Naive polititians and a handfull of ICS offrs along with a huge army of royal clerks.There after The Indian Army continued to work with Honour and Pride but the Polititians and civilians still thought it was an instrument of suppression and power of the Crown.
    Unfortunatly even today our Armed force have the British pride in them,which is even more irritating to the Civil Democratic Govt and of course Babus.There fore the treatment given is to get the Generals to Mother Earth.Had the Armed Forces realised in 1947 that they are no longer Royal and Desi and Adapted to the new set of unexprianced and Naive leadership and moulded them selves and The Govt rules the Armed Forces wouldnt have been in such a plight as tody.Loyalty is a nice virtue but ignorance is unpadonable.

    Armed Forces should now wake up to the fact that we are now DESI and not ROYAL and work for the betterment of our great country starting with looking after there own troops.


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