Sunday, November 1, 2009

Q & A (6)

Readers may send in their Questions through email for a Q & A session with ‘Q&A’ as the subject. For rules, please read this post.

Staff at Canara Bank has stated that they have not received any government orders for revising war injury disability pension in respect 100 percent disability on percentage basis for pre-2006 retirees. They continue to pay on fixed rate. Can you throw some light on this aspect ? (Col V Swarup)

As per the directions of the report of the Committee of Secretaries headed by the Cabinet Secretary, the MoD is to examine this issue by constituting a sub-committee and pass appropriate orders, which is likely to take some time. Your bank is correct in saying so. However, the PCDA (P) has already issued a circular revising the disability and war injury pension of pre and post-2006 retirees as per the current stipulation in vogue.

Can information be sought from the CDA (O) under the RTI Act ? Whom should we address the RTI application ? What is the equivalent rank of Accounts Officer in CDA ? (Sekhar)

Of course information can be sought under the RTI Act. Send the application to the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), office of CDA (O). An Accounts Officer of the Defence Accounts Department is a JCO level officer.

Can civilian family members of deceased defence personnel approach the AFT for relief related to family pension or is it (the AFT) only valid for serving and retired personnel. (Mrs Shanti Devi)

Yes. Family members can approach the AFT. According to Section 2 (2) of the AFT Act, all dependants, heirs and successors of defence personnel can approach the AFT for relief related to service matters.

Once the AFTs start functioning, will the jurisdiction of the High Courts be totally barred ? (ABC)

No. The AFT shall only deal with specific issues which are mentioned in the AFT Act. For matters not covered by the Act, the Hon’ble Courts of competent jurisdiction shall continue to exercise authority.

When would the PCDA(P) issue corrigendum PPOs for pre-2006 retirees ? I still have not received my revised Corrigendum PPO.

The PCDA(P) would not be issuing corrigenda to the already issued PPOs.


  1. On issuance of revised PPOs by PCDA(P); I understand that there is a letter published on your website..which says that On receipt of " Form of intimation from PDAs, the PCDA(P) will issue revised PPOs for all pensioners.
    Request recheck and publish correct position.
    Lt Col (Retd)A K Jain

  2. Re- RTI for info from CDA(O)

    Have the armed forces ever tried to place a senior officer in the grievance cell of CDA(O). If yes, what was the reason for him being not located there and if no, why not.

    If the CDA can ask officers to prove eligibility for an issue (provision of telephones) which is now so much in public domain, there would have been cases galore, where an individual or a group of officers would not have recieved their entitlements just because of him/ them not being made aware by CDA(O)

    A forum like endeavours to make all its members aware of their rights and entitlements but can we say so much about the service institutions/ procedures/ heirarchies.

    A case in point- My wife and children go to my native place on entiled warrant. On the day of their return- the train on which they have reservations is cancelled due to communal violence in an area enroute. They take a slightly longer route- and purchase tatkal tickets and reach the destination.

    I seek reimbursement, providing all tickets. Get no response. After two reminders over next 4-5 months, I lodge a grievance on their website. No response.

    I give up.

  3. Civil Telephones Bills are reimbursable not by the CDA but from the Offfice Contingency Fund ie. ACG held by every unit. The condition of reimbursement is that the a civil telephone must be entitled to the appointment. And who entitles the civil telephones? Our own SD Br in Delhi is required to place the requirement and obtain approval from MoD. However for security reasons (!!!) telephones have not been entitled to officers other than to the rank of Maj Gens, that too only selected. Surprisingly, all officers in Delhi have been authorised and do get the same reimbursed.

  4. Just came to know that West Bengal Govt. has imposed VAT of 12.5 % on vehicles purchased through CSD from 1st Nov 09.

  5. Travelling on TD

    I think, this is the correct forum to raise the query

    Dear Navdeep
    Kindly clarify

    What is the latest- Are we authorised to check into any hotel (upto Rs 3000/-) OR do we have to get a NA/ NOC from the visited station and only then go to a hotel.

    Also are these hotels required to be 'registered' with the station HQs?

    Further if you stay at an Army facility, do you get the actual mess bill reimbursed or is it limited to Rs 135/- less the Ration Money.

  6. a relative of mine retired from the guards as hav after 20 yrs service with pension and got reemployed as a constable on lower scale.after retirement from bf hewas getting the pension from army and bsf though bsf pension was much lesser than army pension.
    after his death ,however army has stopped his widows pension while bsf has continued.his widow is illiterate . zila sainik board is not giving anything in writing.
    kindly guide.

  7. @AK.

    According to rules, only one family pension is allowed and the authorities are right in their decision.

  8. dear sir,
    is there any option for my relative to choose the better option as the pension for service in army is much higher than the pension in bsf.
    if so how

  9. regarding issuance of revised corr PPOs by pcda(p):- As Lt Col AK Jain said (Anonymous ? 1-11-09) PCDA(P) circular issued sometime back has mentioned that the PDAs should send the info reg the revised pension which they have fixed and the pcda(p) will verify the correctness and issue corr ppo. In case the PDA delays or does not send the info, pcda(p) will revise the pension suo motu and issue corr ppo.

  10. Dear Navdeep
    Kindly give information on entitlement of reimbursement of the telephone charges for the telphone/mobile used at residence. Is this provision for reimbursemnt of bills applicable to officers posted in service HQs and units directly under Service HQ. Presently this is not being provided to the units in field. Whta is the authority letter which says that the facility is for all armed forces officers

    Wg Cdr Deepak

  11. If there is a delay in issue of pension order can one claim interest from CDA, if so after how much delay?
    If there is a delay in crediting the pension and NE benefits by the bank to the account of a pensioner is the bank liable to pay the interest, if so after how much delay?

  12. When we seek infomation from CDA[O],
    are we suppose to send postal order for Rs.10/- as fees,along with the application ?
    Please confirm.
    Thank you.

  13. Please let us know the current status of DACP for AMC offrs....

    also, i have a query...if IA ticket is not available on a particular date or period can u travel in another airline & claim the amount??


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