Friday, November 13, 2009

Updated comprehensive (but thankfully uncomplicated) guide to the Right to Information regime issued by the DoPT

A detailed but simple guide-book has been issued by the Department of Personnel and Training for PIOs, Public Authorities, Information Seekers and First Appellate Authorities. Publishing of such a guide is the mandate of Section 26 of the RTI Act.

I’ve always maintained that all responsible members of the public as well as those serving in the government sector should be well versed with the provisions of the Act. This guide is a good opportunity to learn more about this revolutionary piece of legislation.

And yes, the Central Govt has explicitly provided in the guide that Assistant Public Information Officers (APIOs) designated in Post Offices shall act as PIOs for all Central Govt establishments in the country. Meaning thereby that an applicant can simply endorse his / her RTI Application to the nearest Post Office, irrespective of where the public authority (from whom information is sought) is located.

The guide can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.


  1. Dear All,
    The last paragraph what Maj Navdeep has emphasised is very importent.
    Thanks Maj Navdeep.

  2. I am desperate to download the order, but its not being saved.
    Pl do something to rectify the problem

  3. Dear Manv,
    The guide is there on "What is new", you can download it from there.

  4. Splendid.The innovative simplified procedure of pension percentage is most sensible,practicable and viable.

    Kill the devil of "ONE DAY"

  5. Lt Col G Kameswara Rao (retd)November 13, 2009 at 12:59 PM

    I find that downloading or copying from the Scribd format is not successful.It appears too complicated and whatever I fill up in the SIGN UP columns it does not work.
    Could you please give guidance on this and oblige? Or fwd it as email attachment? or is it available for purchase from DOPT or anyone else?
    Lt Col G Kameswara Rao (retd)
    email ID

  6. Major M R PANGHAL said...

    Dear Major Navdeep,

    Thanks a lot. I have been following the system of seeking through Post Office and getting replies from concerned public authorities. MOD and IHQ of MOD are not cooperative and do not provide complete information. Even appeals have been mishandled and misdirected or not replied at all. To make the matter worse, CIC is taking lot of time to decide appeals.
    Thanks again and regards for your efforts.

  7. Thanks BC.
    Your guidance worked. You see I have more than 200 friends mostly service people who look forward to my mails.
    You too can join me on

    Thank again

    And Maj Navdeep since you closed the chat box, it has become bearable to read your blog once again. My thanks to you

  8. Dear Navdeep,
    Could you update us on the implemenattion of AVSC II for Air Force Officers. Rumours are afloat that Gp capt (TS) in 18 years for all.

  9. Changes in RTI on the anvil

  10. in army too rumour is col(ts) at 18 yrs there any truth .


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