Wednesday, December 23, 2009

So what is ‘Annexure-IV’ ? (Attention : Pre 01-01-2006 Pensioners)

In a welcome move, a joint public notice by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Finance was published yesterday in many newspapers.

The said notice called upon banks to provide ‘Annexure-IV’ to pre-01-01-2006 pensioners so that the correctness of pension and arrears could be ascertained.

So what is ‘Annexure-IV’ ?

‘Annexure-IV’ is a form which was annexed with Govt of India letter dated 11 Nov 2008 dealing with the revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners. This annexure was supposed to be filled up and returned by the Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs), that is, banks, DPDOs etc to the office of PCDA(P) with a copy to the pensioner concerned. The said Annexure contains all details as to how pension has been calculated and the arrears thereon.

The public notice was necessitated by the situation that banks have not calculated pension of pre-06 pensioners correctly in many cases and neither have they returned Annexure-IV duly filled to the pensioners or the office of PCDA(P).

All pensioners have a right to demand a copy of Annexure-IV from their PDAs. Please exercise it.

For those who are still hazy about the said Annexure may download it by clicking here.


  1. Thanks Navdeep
    It is good to know you can ask for the Annexure-IV from the Banks.
    I am personally having a problem with Sector-31 SBI Branch.They have fixed pension of Wg Cdr(Select) at par with Wg Cdr (Time Scale).They told that the PPO does not reflect whether one has retired as Time Scale or Select Wg Cdr so by default they have fixed the pension of all Wg Cdr's as per Time Scale.
    I checked with the DPP&R, who clarified that in the PPO.If a officer had retired as Wg Cdr Time Scale, then ONLY the retiring rank is mentioned as WG Cdr(T/S) otherwise in the case of select Wg Cdr The retiring rank is mentioned as Wg Cdr .We really cannot blame the banks when our own house is not in order,even the certificate of service does not mention whether one has retired as a Time Scale or Select.This anomaly can be set right if they issue a clarification to all the banks.I do not know how other banks have tackled this Grey area.

  2. The rate of enhanced family pension is being fixecd by PCDA(P)
    as per para4 to MOD letter dt 11-11-08 for pre 1-1-06 retiree Lt Colonels.
    It should be Rs 25700 pm , the minimum pension as per MOD letter dt 21-5-09.
    Hope some one takes note and instructions to rectify the same is taken.

  3. Any news on appropriate rationalisation of disability pension on percentage basis for pre 1-1-06 pensioners ?

    Any news on broad banding /grouping of disability pension to 50%,75% and 100% ?

  4. Navdeep I retired in oct 1981with retiring pension Rs,815/=plus Relief Rs.180.50I .I am now getting arround Rs.15,000/=total after v1 pay commission implementation. can you help me calculate what should be my arrears & what pension should i be getting. major mehandru
    IC-12647. DATE OF COM..11Jun 61

  5. After pension the quatum of pension increases on completion of 80yrs and it increases by 20% & thereafter by 85yrs & 90yrs. Can I get the rates after 85yrs & 90yrs. Also reference of authority pertaining to this.
    Pls email me at

    Brig M A Georege (Retd)

  6. Dear Maj Navdeep

    My apologies to you and other readers for using this for my query
    I feel that I have been granted excess pension. Retired(PMR) in March 2005 as Lt Col (TS) after 20 yrs 9 months. As per the letter of21st May09 and my understanding I am entitled to 19860 per has fixed it at 21807 which corresponds to Lt Col selection of 21 years.
    1. Is my interpretation correct?
    2. How do I go about addressing this anomaly??
    Kindly advise as I do not wish to be penalised later
    Warm regards

  7. Can any officer kindly provide DPP&R postal mail address/telephone No, designation of officer, name who can be contacted or provide a copy of DPP&R letter that says "I checked with the DPP&R, who clarified that in the PPO if a officer had retired as Wg Cdr Time Scale, then ONLY the retiring rank is mentioned as WG Cdr(T/S) otherwise in the case of select Wg Cdr The retiring rank is mentioned as Wg Cdr." This is required to solve the case of few officers who took pre-mature retirement with less that 26 years QS.


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