Thursday, January 7, 2010

True but sorry not true.

“Knowledge and timber shouldn't be much used till they are seasoned.” : Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 – 1894)

I keep getting angry mails on the degradation of status of the military.

The spirit of this trepidation may be correct to an extent but there are some downright incorrect myths doing the rounds which need to be set right, not just because these make us sound unknowledgeable but also since these unnecessarily result in lowering the self esteem of the uniformed community.

Myth 1 : Jawans of the forces are now lower than Group-D staff of the Central Govt

Totally untrue. Group-C appointments of the Central Govt begin at the level of Pay Band-1 / Grade Pay 1800. Our Sepoy is at Grade Pay 2000, that is two steps higher than the lowest Group-C employee of the Central Govt. What needs to be ensured is the same level of employment after the early release from service.

Myth 2 : Subedar Majors have been placed below Group-B officers in Pay

Wrong again. Subedar Majors are at par with the apex level of Group-B officers with GP 4800. The closest equivalent is the post of an Assistant Commissioner of Police (Group-B) of the Delhi and Andaman Nicobar Police Service, the recruitment of which is done by the UPSC alongwith other Civil Services.

Myth 3 : Havildars were earlier drawing a pay higher than Head Constables of the CPOs but have now been clubbed with Head Constables

Totally untrue. This is the new equation after the 6th CPC : Sepoy = Constable (Both PB-1 / GP 2000), Naik = Head Constable (Both PB-1 / GP 2400), Havildar = Assistant Sub Inspector (Both PB-1 / GP 2800), Naib Subedar = Sub Inspector (Both PB-2 / GP 4200), Subedar = Inspector (Both PB-2 / GP 4600).

Anomalies can only be countered once these are identified and once the level of knowledge is up to the mark to tackle them. There are incongruities which need to be taken care of, but all is not wrong. Rest assured.


  1. Maj Navdeep,

    The warrant of precedence posted sometime earlier only had the data for Commissioned Officers. May I request you to also put up the warrant of precedence for PBOR's.

  2. I wonder how these myths spring up. They are generally the result of intellectual laziness where people repeat as gospel what they hear before checking it out. A statement repeated enough number of times assumes a right to truth on its own.

  3. Maj Navdeep,
    Regarding the Havaldar. In Vth CPC, the sacle Sgt of Technical Group was starting from 5000 Rs onward. Equevalent of which (JE etc) have been granted grade pay of 4200 by VI CPC in civil, bot sgt is granted 2800 Rs Grady Pay. Now tell how it is untrue.

  4. The MOD had approved the Machine Operator(Offset) (in 4500-7000 scale) GP @Rs. 4200/- and The Asst Master in Military Schools (in 5500-9000scale) GP @Rs.4600/- w.e.f. 1.1.2006. But the Air Force Group X -Sgt ( with a BP of Rs.5000/- and Edn Inst.(Sgt GpX) ( PG Degree/B.Ed.qualification) with a BP of 4965/- are still in the GP of Rs.2800/- and similarly, the fate of Navy Personnel Art.III-I, who is equivalent to a JCO rank is in the GP of 3400/- w.e.f. 1.1.2006.
    now tell how the above is untrue.

  5. It will be better if a comparative table of pre-revised and revised scales of both commissioned Officers and ORs along with quantum of increase in pay and allowances accrued, is prepared with their counter parts from civil side and published in this site by the same smart author. Then everyone will know whether they were myths or facts. IZZAT is not only for officers we do have it, Major!

  6. @Anony at 2.39

    If you think that the blogpost was meant to convey that jawans and JCOs do not deserve 'izzat' then I feel sorry at your skills of comprehension my friend.

    Why don't you make a comparion and place it here ?. We shall all be grateful to you.

    And you yourself happen to be an officer, why this catharsis ? Just for the heck of it ?

  7. I feel some ex-servicemen are trying to spread malice between officers and jco,s/ors.
    service conditions of jco,s /ors are totally different and not comparable.officers are always compared to all india services class "A" officers only.
    The PBORs are compared to their equivalents in Group "D","C".
    I feel that feeling that sgt is granted GP of Rs 2800/- is correct as the technical pers have been given group X pay.
    i feel more oppurtinity should be given to those JCO/Or who are graduate to apply for comissioned ranks totally based on selection.
    Reforms are required in selection and promotion process of PBOR.Instead of "fitness cum seniority ",the creteria should be merit cum seniority for promotion to JCO cadre.Those Jco who are graduates should be given promotion upto LT COL/Wing Commander strictly on merit .honorary comission to JCO who are non graduate should be done away with.

  8. As far Group pay is concerned to tech personnel. This has been given to all the ranks (PBORs) in technical trade. Why exclusively only Sgt is believed to have been componsated by this Gp Pay. This is not at all correct comparison The fact is Sgt of technical gp has been placed below at 2800 Rs. Just the paycommision wanted to raitionalise the payscales of ranks of PBOR. Civilian in the pay scale of 5000 (Vth CPC) has been granted 4200/- GP but Sgt 2800/-. But done is done.

  9. Sir, my regards and thanks for this wonderful platform. Presently after VI CPC all Central govt jobs with diploma qualifiction have a grade pay of Rs. 4200/.(PB-2). But, for the defence services why it is fixed at Rs. 2800/ for Sergeant in PB-1. Alas!.What is your opinion on this? Is there any justification given from defence services in accepting it?


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