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Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Pension Scales for PBOR : CoS report implementation

The new scales for pre-2006 PBOR have been published / notified and can be downloaded and accessed by clicking here.

My first reaction - Utter Confusion !!!!


vnatarajan said...

As "recoed" by Com of OROP, the COs have been excluded. And the basis- not 70% of the Notional Maximum? - what about 2200 crores? Now it shd not exceed 1500 crores!

Anonymous said...

One of my Military Pensioner friend has pointed out, an example:

Pension opf JCO Rs 13590
Pension of LT Rs 13500

Pl chk if this is correct?

Justin N Christian said...



I hope this confusion is not deliberate ,so that another committee will be detailed to clear this confusion and thereby further delay the benefits reaching the affected JCOS and ors

Hameed Ali said...

Dear Sir,

I like to know my father aged 73 now H/Lt. retired from Army before 1989. Is he eligible for this new revision of pension or not.

Anonymous said...

Maximum Pension of a Sub Maj from X Gp is only Rs 13450/- and minimum pension of Lt is Rs 13500/-.By and large, the tables are OK.Need not to be withheld as suggested by Lt Col KB Mathur.

Anonymous said...

Does the Govt. official check the correctnes of tables or merely signs. What a joke IAF pension for X Gp. LAC 15 years 5519/- CPL 5395/- Sgt 5492/-

All adm Job said...

Dear Navdeep,

Anomoliy of 33Yrs linkage to pre 2006 pensioners is still not cleared.

Rajeev Behal

All adm Job said...

Dear Navdeep

Sub. Major & equvilants from 'X' group with 28 yrs & above will draw more pension (13850) than some wan granted Hony Lt. from X group (13500).

Indian redtapeism TUSI GREAT O.

Rajeev Behal

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 11:05 AM,

He was probably referring to cases where MCPOs & MWOs revised pension is 13590/-.

Anonymous said...

The report is quite reasonable. Anomallies as pointed out are raised without carefully reading the report.

Justin N Christian said...

@ anonymous 2.55 pm
yes u r right the pension of 15 yrs gp x lac is 5591 where as the pension of 15 yrs gp x sgt is 5492.
how this can be ??? how a lower rank gets more pension then a senior rank.
maj navdeep can u throw some light on this anamoly.

Navdeep / Maj Navdeep Singh said...

Anony 2.55 / Justin

That is because the weightage available to a Sepoy is more than a Hav.

Anonymous said...

Sir,Hon offr rank is given 2 an M W O in the last year of his service 4 superanuation. As per 6 pc Hony offrs r given Offrs M S P and Grade pay . It is terribly disappointing 2 see this order where Hony offrs r not considered 4 improvements. Are they not going 2 work out 4 post 06 Hony offrs . What an order it is where serior rank with many more years of creditable service is dis reguarded. Hope it will be corrected and Offrs upto the rank of Major r not placed bellow men in payment. thank u .

Unknown said...

Dear Lt.Col Mathur, Mr.Justin, Mr. Hameed Ali and some Anonymous.

Pointing a finger is quite easy, I could not see any problem in COS Report Implementation. Now the report will be implemented in Toto except one point concerning to Post 2006. Sep & Nk's Pen is more than Hav because of the weightage. We all must appreciate the Hard Work done by everyone involved in making this Jumbo and Crystal clear Circular.

Dear Hamid your father is very much eligible for this new revision of pension and infact everyone right from 1953 to pre 2006.

For post 2006 point was,at some place in Cos report there was option given & also accepted by Fin. Min. that they will have Option either to draw pension @ 50 % in VI CPC or draw as per this report.

They will be beneficial (spec with 28 yrs & above svc)if they draw as per this report. Hope the Govt. will come out with another Notifying letter on this.

Lastly implementation date sholud not be 01-07-2009. It should be atleast the MSP implementation date i.e. 01-09-2008.

Many thanks to all.

Balbir Singh

Anonymous said...

the JWO s in 3,4,5 groups in 73,96, 2006 were equal in pay ext but now it is deferent pension ?

Justin N Christian said...

@ maj navdeep txs 4 clarification.
yes the 10.8.6.yrs weightage announced by gom is creating anamoly.this weihtage itself is anamolus becuase in air force earlier 15 yrs starting bond was 4 all.and there is no time scale promotions in air force. so by applying this weightage govt has reduced the gap of pen. benefit to lower ranks. what is the way out. the affected lot can apply for higher pension then lower rank???
pl advise.

Justin N Christian said...

@ maj navdeep, here is some contradicting application of cos report. the recommendation was 5 cpc max is to be applied notionally to 6 cpc fittment table as per sai 1/s/2008. for gp x sgt max of 5 cpc is 5945 x 1.86=11057.7 +6200=17257.7/2=8629x21/33=5492.
now here the pay taken as 11057 is wrong it should be as per 6 cpc fittment table of gp x sgt and should be 11160 and the pen will be 5523. bz 11057 pay point is not there in 6 cpc fittment table.

Anonymous said...

Dear Navdeep,

A pre-96 pensioner, Nb Sub who passed away in Aug 2007 is survived by a 35 year old son (heir). Can he seek Arrears with this set of recent orders. If so, what can one guide him...

All adm Job said...

Dear Navdeep,

As per Page - 2 Hav garnted rank of Hony Nb sub shall be allowed pension of Rs. 226/-.

One side govt has issued orders that Hav granted Hony Rank will be given pension equvilent to Nb sub. is it not confusing.

Dear Navdeep will you please through some light on the issue.


Rajeev Behal

All adm Job said...

A pre-96 pensioner, Nb Sub who passed away in Aug 2007 is survived by a 35 year old son (heir).

His son cannot claim any thing under these orders since date of implementtaion of this letter is 01 july 2009.

Other wise he can claim arrears from 01.01.2006 to Aug 2007 if not received till date.

Rajeev Behal

All adm Job said...

Dear Justin,

How you reached the figure 11160 please clarify so that I can through some light on the issue.

Rajeev Behal
Ex- Sgt

Justin N Christian said...

@ all adm job ex sgt rajeev behal
the 6 cpc fittment table 4 gp x sgts starts as per prerevised 5000-100-6500 so it starts from 9300 to 12090 & 11160 is 1 of the fittment stage of 6cpc gp x sgt scale and there is no such basic as 11057 considered by cos report in 6 cpc gp x sgt fittment table.
i hope i have cleared the point.

Anonymous said...

i am an ex petty officer living in remote village in nagaland, i retired in 1993 after 15 years of service,it will be helpful if you can appraise me of my present pension after the cos report ,as i am confused with yhe pcda letter,thanks and regards ronenbose0@gmail.com

Unknown said...

can anybody how to find out my new pension scale in this site

Anil bali said...

Dear Major Navdeep,
What happened about notification about Army officers? Defence minister gave statement in Parliment that review of pension will be for both officers & PBOR. Any news

rajan said...

CAN ANY ONE CAN CLARIFY THA FOLLOWING DOUBT PLS. Kindly look at the table 112 of circular .
' sgt granted 1st financial upgradation (ACP-1) shall be elligible for revised pension for the rank of JWO from table -116 even thought the PPO indicates rank in which pensioned as SGT ACP-1 . Is it applicable to PBOR retd before 2006.

Unknown said...

@Maj Navdeep sir,
Here I find the contradicting application of CoS report. I was discharged from Indian Air Force as Warrant Officer Gp X on 2nd Aug 2006 after serving 32 years 08 months and 12 days. My pension is fixed as per new scale (Corrigendum PPO dated Feb 2010) as follows - 15310 + 4600 (GP)+ 2000 (MSP) + 1400 (Gp X)= 23310 @50% = 11655/-
Now if I refer Table 120 of page 141 of the circular ibid, it fixes the pay of warrant officer retired before 2006 for 28 years and above in column 12 as revised pension Rs 13105 almost fixing it 2000 Rupees more than the post 2006retired warrant officer. Will be grateful if my confusion is cleared by any one.

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
Is there any latest table (March2010)available for the Ex-Service men to know the current pensions with latest DA details who retired on 30-09-1986 and had served for 30Years 02 Months and 19 days in Army.

Anonymous said...

Anybody can through light on the actual fate of the proposal of 70% pension of last drawn payment,,,has it gone to ditch ?

shekhar joshi said...

Dear Major Navdeep,

With implementation of OROP, the pension of pre-06 pbor is exceeding pension of post-06 pbor.
Is this not a major anomaly? Kindly suggest where should we go for obtaining explanation in this regard.


Ex SM SC Joshi

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I retired as a COPEL in 1993 in 1 rank 1 pension how much arrears i will get n how much pension i will get

-G.U Maheswar(Joint

Akshay Rathi said...

Dear Maj Navdeep sir,
In VIth CPC, The Govt of India has assured three financial up-gradation under ACP for all its employees.
For example- a sepoy will get three ACP of Nk, Havand and N/Sub at a period of 8-16-24 years of service. Similarly, a direct recruited Havildar will get three ACPs of N/Sub, Subedar and Sub/Maj at a interval of 8-16-24.But Direct entry JCOs (Corps of Engineers) have been denied third ACP. Are the not Govt employees? Is it not in justice with them? Can't we frame some policy/rule to give them their right of third ACP. Thanks and regards
Sub Maj Sunil Kumar

Akshay Rathi said...

Dear Maj Navdeep sir,
In VIth CPC, The Govt of India has assured three financial up-gradation under ACP for all its employees.
For example- a sepoy will get three ACP of Nk, Havand and N/Sub at a period of 8-16-24 years of service. Similarly, a direct recruited Havildar will get three ACPs of N/Sub, Subedar and Sub/Maj at a interval of 8-16-24.But Direct entry JCOs (Corps of Engineers) have been denied third ACP. Are the not Govt employees? Is it not in justice with them? Can't we frame some policy/rule to give them their right of third ACP. Thanks and regards
Sub Maj Sunil Kumar

bprasad said...

Please explain the rules regarding pay fixation and pay protection while moving from army to drdo if someone wants to do so.

AK Mehta said...

Dear Sir
I am Ex-Sgt AK Mehta (IAF)discharged from service after 15 yrs in 1994. I request to know if Govt. is doing something to remove anamolies like LAC drawing more pension than CPL & SGT arisen out of revised pension for pbor. Secondly if any news through Govt. to implement OROP in true terms. With regards Jai Hind

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,
In Signals Corps A Mech (which is tech Cat) are getting less payment in comparision to Dvr and Other GD Cat. for example . Recruits enrolled on same date of both cat Tech and GD cat. A GD cat having less traing in comparision to tech cat. A tech cat reain in recruit cat more than GD cat. A GD recruit become Soldier on early stage and get increament than tech cat, which result more pay than then tech cat. Inspite of more qualification, more tech edn criteria for enrolment they getting less pay and pension.
LEt me know which injustice to tech cat or not ? Let me explain.

amod kumar tiwari said...

please give me the full details of my commutation and information about ACP. Qualifing service 24yrs 19 days.

Name- Ex. Hav. 14397507x
Amod Kumar Tiwari
PPO No.- s/023391/2011 (Army)

arvind singh said...

can anybody tell me that ,,is the acp plan for ex havildar rank is valid? Havildar who has retired in 2006

Pawan said...

Kindly somebody intimate me what is the fate of 70% pension of the last drawn.

ajay s said...

sir my father served indian army for 18.6yr.and he retired from post of NK in the year 2000.i want to know that how much pension will my father get?

Rajesh Gandhi said...

Dear Sir,
My father served indian army for 8 years and he discontinued,He expired last year. He never get a single penny as part pention.
I heard, he is eligible for some% of pention even if he discontinued.I request you to kindly clarify on this and please let me know if my mother can avail any benfits.

Benfits he got from army are:
1. Canteen card,
2. Some amount money when he discontinued army.

Anonymous said...


May I request to confirm the in crease in pension will also be applicable to Sub Maj who already retired pre 01 Jan 2006. If applicable the net increase may pl be intimated.

Anonymous said...

Navdeep sir. I am retd Major IS Dhawan.I put in over 21 year of service & took premature retirement on 30.06.1993.Please let me know ,If I
Will get minimum guaranteed pension

Ex/NK (ASC/MT) S L Bhat said...

Jai Hind Sir,

This is wrt the Circular No. 478 dt 13 Feb 2012 , under which certain trades have been equated from Gp 'E' to Gp 'Y'. This includes Driver trade also.
Sir, I request it may please be clarified if pensioners of Driver Trade (ASC/MT)are entitled for the benefits therein.

Thanking sir.

Anonymous said...

Respected sir,

I have served in the Indian Army from 01 may 1982 to 30 Apr 2006 with the rank HAV.

1.Please inform, whether i am eligible for ACP or not.
2. Ex Hav promoted as Hon Nk/Sub or not
3. How can i know exact pension as of now.

Unknown said...

Dear sir

my dad was ( Sub Maj) in military services he retired in 1986 and he passed away i 2010 and my mom is getting only Rs 6300 pension since 2010 i think it is very less pls hemp me out from this or give and suggestion

your faithfully
sukhvinder singh

Unknown said...

Dear Sir,
My uncle retired as Sepoy from ASC (MT) in the year 1964 (1946-1964)putting 18 years and 5 days of service. He had opted lump sum Service Gratuity of Rs.750/- in 1964. Till now, he has not received any pension from the government. Will be eligible for any grant of pension. He is aged 84 years and no sources of income to get on in the rest of my life. Please advice what needs to be done to get eligible for pension.

Yours faithfully
Anthony Jayaraj