Friday, July 16, 2010

Assistance by Pension Disbursing Authorities to old, sick, incapacitated and disabled pensioners

Many a times, it is reported by families of old and infirm pensioners that they are made to suffer unnecessary harassment by banks while drawing pensions.

The problems stem more out of insensitivity of staff rather than availability of detailed instructions on such cases. In this regard, a circular issued by the RBI in October 2009 assumes importance. The said circular provides the procedure to be followed where old or disabled pensioners cannot properly affix their signatures / thumb impressions or when they are unable to visit the bank at all.

In such cases, it is provided that an impression or a mark can be obtained which can be identified by two witnesses. The authority for drawing pension can also be delegated by such pensioners. The RBI has also directed all banks to display these guidelines on their notice boards and also to sensitise the staff on this very important aspect.

Any infringement of the above guidelines should be promptly reported to the head office of the bank concerned and to Department of Govt and Bank Accounts, RBI, Opposite Mumbai Central Railway Station, Mumbai – 400 008.


  1. Navdeep,
    Why can't things be more simplified and the old pensioners be allowed to opearte a joint account with their kith or kin. I know it will be against some govt (?) order which requires the pensioner to come himself but this in not welfare. It is pension that the person earned.

  2. Raxas,

    That has already been done way back in 2005 & the pensioner is now allowed to have a joint account with the spouse.So, the spouse can sign and withdraw the pension, if the pensioner is unable to do so for any reason.

    Have a look at these two links:

  3. Dear Navdeep,
    I have been approached by a Hav of Arty, who is drawing his pension from Punjab National Bank, Shakti Nagar Branch, Delhi, that his banker is not paying revised rate of pension stating that no orders have been received by them. How do we help pensioners drawing pension from PNB.
    Brig S C Arora(Retd)

  4. for Brig Arora.
    For sure ,PNB have received the orders and I know so many pensioners who have been paid at revised rates
    as aplicable wef 1-1-06.
    Matter need to be reported to local
    head oofice /regional office of the PNB branch concerned.
    May be it helps.

  5. If a pensioner is unable to sign ,the bank will depute its official to visit the place where the pensioner is (home/hospital etc), identify him/her and take the thumb impression and attest the same for retention in bank's record.Future transactions can then be done on the basis of affixing the thumb impression.All CBS branches have to store the signature/thumb impression on computer.This has been my personal experience in relation to my widowed sister-in-law.


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