Monday, August 23, 2010

Another pro-employee step by the DoPT for officials on foreign assignments

Employees on foreign assignments had one very genuine grievance, and that was transferring out of such officers and officials at a time which did not coincide with the academic sessions of their children.

In a proactive and pro-employee move, the Govt of India has decided that from now onwards the postings of such central govt employees shall be planned in a manner so as to ensure the completion of annual examination of their children. Employees shall also be informed and assured that their postings shall coincide with annual examinations. Even curtailment and extension of tenure would be possible so as to keep this very important aspect in view.

The letter issued by the DoPT can be accessed by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. i can't authenticate this..

    An interaction meeting between users and ECHS management was held at ECHS HQ and attended by medical reps of the 3 Service HQs and others.

    The following important decisions were taken:
    a) Local Purchase for "A" and "B" type polyclinic is incresed from Rs 50000 to Rs 2 Lacs per month.
    b) For "C" and "D" type it is increased to 1 lac.
    c) If a medicine is NA in a polyclinic then the ESM can buy the same from market and he will be reimbursed. There is no financial limit cap for this.This is over and above (a) and (b) above.
    d) Outsourcing the hospitals payments to an External Agency.
    The agency will pay all bills etc to the empenalled hospitials and would sort out it's own payement with the ECHS. Basically ensuring that the hospitials gets their money in time.
    e) If the number of patients in a Polyclinic increase by 30 per day then an additional MO is automatically authorised for hiring.
    f) Nominate chemists as distributors who will supply directly to the polyclinics and ECHS would pay these chemists. This will increase the medicines availability. No dependecy on our existing Armed Forces Medical Stores.

    These interaction meetings would be held every 2 months.


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