Sunday, November 14, 2010

DACP : The final frontier

Had reserved my comments till now on Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) Scheme.

As we all know, the DACP with a time bound progression till Grade Pay of Rs 10,000 @ 20 years of service was recommended by the 6th CPC for all doctors under the Central Govt (which includes the AMC & ADC) and the same was also duly notified by the Government of India. The DACP was accordingly implemented for all doctors under the Central Govt including civilian doctors serving under the DGAFMS who now at places are drawing more pay (and better connected facilities) than their AMC bosses on whom the said scheme has not been implemented till date. Even the MHA had, in the past, also vacillated on the subject while implementing the scheme for combatised doctors of the Central Police Organisations but the issue was sorted out when the Ministry of Finance asked the MHA to implement it in letter and spirit for all doctors including the ones serving in uniform.

Contrary to popular perception, the proposal for DACP was accepted in principle by the MoD which was in favour of implementing the same despite reservations expressed by some quarters within the services on the issue of status vis-à-vis other arms and services. Those reservations were also addressed on file when it was resolved that the scheme would be implemented after delinking it from status and rank and would hence involve only financial gain. It was also expressed on file that the AMC needed to be in step and at par with such beneficial schemes already implemented for other central govt services in order to attract and retain talent. In the ultimate analysis, everybody, including the Services HQrs and the DGAFMS were on the same page. However, the MoD still thought it prudent to refer the proposal to the PPOC in its meeting on 22 May 2009. The PPOC, as we well know, is manned by uniformed officers and not by civilians. The issue was deliberated by the PPOC but the said committee was of the opinion that all anomalies, including those of the other services, needed to be addressed at one go by the MoD and hence this issue should also be tagged with other areas of dispute. This, though I have full regard for the PPOC, in my humble opinion, was a short-sighted step since we need to take things as they come. To say that ‘we will not take this benefit which is being offered on a platter by the govt till the time other issues are addressed’ was not a well rounded idea. Anyway, the proposal was pended with the following remarks on 22-05-2009 :

“Status quo be maintained on the implementation of DACP for medical officers in the Armed Forces. Issue of status be included in disputes / anomalies being forwarded to MoD”

Why I say it was not a good idea to postpone the implementation is that DACP was not even an area of dispute and it did not involve status issues since it had been resolved that the financial benefit would be granted without any link to rank, status or hierarchy. Thereafter again comments were sought from all concerned wherein it was again highlighted that the rank structure would not be altered. It was also put on file that the financial implication was also negligible (about Rs 7 lacs for the entire AMC/ADC) since AMC officers reach the highest permissible pay (for all doctors) of Rs 85000 per month in about 23 years of service anyway. Hence in effect the direct implication of the DACP is only for officers with 20 to 23 years of service. It was very kindly agreed by the MoD that any of the following two options may be exercised :

A. Approve the proposal of the DGAFMS for extension of DACP without effect on rank or promotion (unless due in normal course)


B. Ask the PPOC to reconsider the proposal.

The Joint Secretary (O/N) in the MoD has however opted for Option B and has referred it back to the PPOC on 03-09-2010 for reconsideration.

While it is hoped that the PPOC shall reconsider the proposal positively, the following points should be kept in mind before processing the same since it seems that the true picture is not being articulated in an objective manner before the competent body :

(1) It must be borne in mind by the PPOC that the Govt has already notified the DACP for all doctors under the Central Govt which by all logic includes our very own AMC and ADC.

(2) The DACP has already been implemented for civilian doctors serving under the MoD / DGAFMS which has resulted in civilian juniors drawing much more pay and linked benefits than their AMC superiors at places. The DACP has also already been implemented in combatised uniformed medical cadres of the Home Ministry by delinking it from status, pay and rank badges.

(3) There is no link of the DACP with other status issues involving the services since it has already been resolved on file and decided by the MoD that DACP would not affect status / promotions / hierarchy. Hence to tag the DACP with other anomalies would be a little unfair and self-defeating since there is no involvement of any anomaly in DACP which already stands implemented in other services.

(4) The thought process which has been placed before senior officers that military medicos are receiving MSP and other allowances which civilians are not getting is totally misplaced. MSP has been granted across the board to cater for the vagaries of military life and early retirement and has no link whatsoever with the DACP. Moreover, all doctors in other services have been made entitled to DACP including those who are being paid risk related and special allowances on the civilian side. And when the Govt and the MoD are ready to grant DACP to us, why should we ourselves raise the bogey of MSP and special allowances, this would be the worst form of self-inflicted injury. Even the notion that grant of DACP would upset the hierarchy is misplaced since it has already been agreed upon that it would not affect status.

(5) We need to attract talent in the AMC and we need to do it fast. Between 2005 and 2008, less than half of the candidates called for an interview finally reported and only between 32% to 44% of those selected finally joined, which speaks volumes of the AMC as a career option. We need to act on this and not place our very own people at a disadvantage as compared to other doctors under the central govt.

(6) We need talent, staff, numbers and re-organisation and all this is not possible without the right and the correct talent. As has also been brought out on file, our approved establishment is woefully inadequate. To take some examples, the Medical Officer per bed ratio in Batra Hospital is 1 per 3 beds, in AIIMS it is 1 per 15 beds, in Walter Reed Hospital (US Armed Forces) it is 2 per 1 bed and in our AFMS it is 1 per 50 beds. The Specialist per bed ratio in Batra is 1 per 5 beds, in AIIMS it is 1 per 18 beds, in Walter Reed it is 2.6 per 1 bed and in our AFMS it is 1 per 33 beds.

My request to our own people, including those I have worked with while dealing with status and pay issues of the services, would be that let us not try to throw spanners in the works and let the MoD smoothly implement DACP for our AFMS doctors as has already been approved in principle and which now again awaits a ceremonial nod from the PPOC. We must learn from experience. Our approach should not be 'why should they get it when we (non-medicos) are not getting it', rather it should be 'why should they not get it when others have already got it'.


  1. Wow. Brilliant analysis. But isn't military intelligence an oxymoron???

  2. GOOD NEWS DACP:Major NAVDEEPji Thank you soo soo much for updating us on DACP.Your effort is awesome.Jai Hind.

  3. Dear Sir,

    I am a doctor(in the AMC) and I am in full agreement with Maj Navdeep Singh's views.
    I wish that the DACP be implemented and PCDA(O)Pune & other Naval/AirForce Accounts Departments, execute the Ministry's orders without further delay and further, also process the arrears, due to the affected Military doctors as a New Year Gift/AMC Corps Day memento !

    However,can Major Navdeep Singh explain exactly which group of doctors i.e. from which service bracket/pay band will be benefited with DACP?Can every military doctor look forward for some financial increments in their take home pay?
    Awaiting for Major Navdeep Singh or some other wise person to throw some light on this aspect.

    Yours truly,
    Kilroy Was Here

  4. Finally Maj Navdeep broke his silence on DACP and hey presto, its great man. Only a ceremonial nod is required from PPOC,as all other concerned including the highest decision making bodies have cleared it.Hope AFT approach will not be required in case of an illogical denial or unwarranted delay by PPOC.The hard facts about the delay are out, thanks to investigating reporting and authenticity of Maj Navdeep.Thank you Major Navdeep from the core of our heart, very well said, they should also get it when others are also getting it. For everybody NONFUNCTIONAL FINANCIAL UPGRADATION is there.Let PPOC fight for NONFUNCTIONAL FINANCIAL UPGRADATION as it will affect all officers and since it is already implemented for all Group A officers of Central Govt.AMEN.

  5. ohh the last sentence of the whole write up by navdeep sir is having the crux self being a non medico .. fully agree with it .. give them fully what they deserve ...jai bharat

  6. DACP without ancillary benefits of higher rank/grade pay and which does not materially affects service conditions except by a few hundred rupees would merely be an eyewash and is not what would lead to attraction and retention of better talent in AMC. as regards status of AMC officers less said the better, they have progressively lost it over the yrs the final nail being AV Singh report implementation. even DACP which was supposed to be dynamic (i.e.with higher rank) how conveniently it has been watered down to NFFU and even that has been denied till date.DACP in this manner would be harmful to the cadre in the long run and would defeat the very purpose DACP was granted (read pay com report para 3.6.7)to doctors. innovative methods and some out of box solutions need to be thought of to implement the scheme in letter and spirit and also preserve rank structure of armed forces. sadly that has hardly been tried and various quarters have either tried to brush it aside (its not applicable to AMC) or advocated to implement in watered down manner as has been brought out by mr. navdeep. mark my words in days to come NFFU would be implemented for all the officers (and it should be impl at the earliest) and the AMC guys would be fooled again and cry foul. finnaly my opinion is that either DACP is impl in a manner envisaged by pay comm report or AMC should tag along with rest of the officer cadre and take NFFU as and when it is impl for the rest.

  7. The shortsightedness is all the more to the point, when one considers that the PPOC should really be saying, "When they have got it, then WE CAN ALSO ASK FOR THE CORRECT EQUIVALENCE TO BE PROVIDE TO ALL UNIFORMED OFFICERS"!!!

  8. While there it little denying the fact that the army docs need to get their dues (they are the most committed lot), it might to interesting to examine why the IAS officers of the MoD are so keen to expeditiously attend to their problems while keeping those of the other wings of the armed forces in 'cold storage'. The MoD babus use their 'power' over the AFMS to get VIP treatment at the military hospitals particularly R&R and AFC and dental treatment at AFDC. They are otherwise covered by the CGHS and should be going to normal government hospitals and accredited civil hospitals in the private sector. Access to such facilities is not easily available to even serving and retired personnel of the armed forces.(An RTI can easily reveal all the details)In return the 'shahenshahs' give away lollies such as Apex scale to the DGAFMS (not to other DGs and PSOs)and early clearance to any problems that the AFMS has.

  9. 1. An AMC offr reaches the peak of his pay by approx 23 years of service. Subsequently, as he grows in rank / years of service, it remains static with his NPA reducing gradually. This in today's scenario is a stark reality for AMC officers, who are either superceeded in terms of rank (with a vacany ratio of 1:3.5 to 1 : 4.5 in the first board) by 21 years or in terms of finance by 23 years, and thus want to quit, for a more stable (in terms of social security and finance) life outside.

    2. Implementing the DACP (minus the fringe benefits) will monetarily benefit only a certain category of officers, until they reach the salary peak (which then will possibly be 21 years instead of 23 years.

    3. So, the validity of its implementation sans the fringe benefit remains debatable, especially if we want to use it to draw talent and perhaps to improve the doctor patient ratio.

    4. Ultimately, should this be implemented it may still convince few more people to hold on their decision to quit for perhaps a few more years of service / promotion. But the concerned decision makers should come out with a more attractive formula to attract / retain talent, before the ratio shoots off from 1: 50 to 1:75 and beyond (when perhaps an AMC offr will get commissioned NOT as a captain but possibly as a Lt Col / Col) !!!

  10. Time and experience has shown that we are good at cutting our own feet/denying ourselves what is ours.I see no reason why DACP should be denied to AMC/ADC.Let NFFU be in addition if and when it comes.In this way atleast our AMC brothers will be assured of a good pension and not be restd with the promotion pyramid.

  11. NonFunctional Financial Upgradation NFFU should also be implemented for all ARMED FORCES Oficers,since it is already implemented for all Central Govt Gp-A officers.
    Maj Navdeep we request an update from you as far as NFFU is concerned, just as you have done for our AMC brothers in regard to DACP.

  12. Dear Navdeep, as few people have brought out DACP has been grossly diluted and will ahrdly benefit offrs of AMC/ADC in the form it is likely to come out. What is the "DACP" in this newly vetted (cut down) proposal is anyones gess !! None.
    We will be told that we have got the moon which infact would just be a shadow, nothing more.
    We should forget about it if it is not being given in its original form. Let our brothren in arms give it to us and then take it up with the ministry to upgrade their status/rank structure as well due to the anomaly which creeps in.
    DACP should be given to us in toto or not at all. We are working not just for these few hundred extra bucks. but it does pinch us when our students in CGHS and railways go above us in status and get better and preferential treatment during our interactions at conferences etc.
    DACP in diluted form should just not be acceptable to any sane minded middle or junior ranked AMC/ADC officer

  13. Also all super-specialist officers due to their study-leave become eligible for pension after 22 yr service(not so for other arms/services) and they have to serve for atleast 24 yrs service to complete their bond even if they get superseeded. they just cann't leave on a single supersession. DACP will definitely help such officer's and AMC should retain these good Doc's at all cost.

  14. None of this really matters. The truth is, that All India Services are reaching FUNCTIONAL grade pay and status at 20 years of service, with full status of empanelled Joint Secretaries, in the Case of IAS and IPS.

    So, the facts are that full COLONELS are actually equivalent to Joint Secys and IGPs. Even in terms of work, twenty years ago, a full colonel did much the same type of work (in terms of importance) that a Jt secy or IGP does today.

    Watering down due to AHQ decisions, MOD decisions, AV Singh etc have caused this status to fall. Remove full cols from bn command, and restore this privilege to ltCols in SELECT ranks. Raise GP of Lt Cols to 8900, and that of full cols to 10000. Majors should be at PB3 7600, captains at 6600, LTs at 5400. Brigs at 67000-79000, Maj Gens at 75500-80000, Ltgens at 80000, and Gens at 90000, as they already are.

  15. Dear Navdeep,
    In CPOs any doc will get promoted if any officer of his seniority get promoted to that rank.Thus DACP order is modified and same can be done for fouji doctors.

  16. Rank Pay Judgement day today:All the best to everybody

  17. dacp should be accepted in letter and spirit as it should be implemented as it is done in other departments like railways and para military forces.

    moreover it should not be accepted if the perks of a particular grade pay are denied.

    an officer receiving a grade pay of 10000 should be eligible for staff car/ tpt allowance of 7k and authorised for business class by air. without that dacp is merely a joke in defence.

  18. sir PPOC already rejected it twice,and PPOC if passed it ,it will go to COASC which also denied DACP once,so only court can help us

  19. How do we know whether PPOC is acting/refusing/accepting DACP? Maj Navdeep please help us till the end and see the logical end of DACP implementation.

  20. further to my comment dt nov 14, 1253 any perk in army is granted as per rank not as per pay or grade pay like the recently posted csd entittlement classification. in the prev pay commission despite having total pay + npa more than rs.16,400 amc doctors were denied facility of air/ AC 1st since requirement of being lt col was put in the orders. other central govt doctors of similar seniority were getting the facility of air /AC 1ST. that is the kind of issues need to be sorted out if DACP is to be accepted in the form of NFFU. it is not merely a question of badges of rank on the shoulders but equality of status commensuarate with higher grade pay/rank.

  21. How to know whether PPOC is acting/refusing/accepting DACP?

  22. I am a nurse in the MNS. I am in full agreement with implimentation of DACP for our doctors (in the AMC). The DACP is on the verge of being implimented for the financial benefit without any link to rank, status or hierarchy. That means a AMC doctor of Lt Col rank will draw the grade pay of Rs 10000, and would still be called a Lt Col, and can be placed under a Col of other Corps drawing the GP of Rs 8900. Does the command and control of the army would be affected by this move?

    Let me remind everyone that on the issue of the same command and control, the grade pay of MNS officers was lowered during 6th CPC. Now it becomes clear that command and control would not be affected by equal or even higher grade pay. Please reverse that decision and bring all MNS officers on the same grade pay other officers.

  23. Where is Command & Control excuse now? Which was brought hammer & Tong during CPMF & MNS case. Won't a Lt Col AMC drawing more grade pay than General Lt Col/Col?? Double standards exposed. So now NFFU has to be brought in for command & control excuse to stay.

  24. when will the PPOC likely to meet and the decision will be taken regarding this

  25. It is sad that the senior ranks in AFMS are fighting over some appointments instead of taking up the cause for improving the status of the officers and the working conditions. An AFMS Doctor cannot even leave service despite completing his bond until he has the necessary "contacts" in the service hierarchy and bureaucracy - sounds like bonded labour in a democracy.
    The future of AMC is bad with doctors wanting to quit due to poor service conditions,lack of job satisfaction, better avenues outside and no transparency in posting/release policies.I do not think that a medical service can forcibly hold on to doctors and expect them be motivated enough to perform well in a highly demanding 24X7 job . Besides such a system definitely is not going to attract the best talent in the country

  26. AMC people have been getting raw deal from ARMY since very long, just like we say that army has been getting raw deal from babus. just imagine, there was a time when a doc would get 6yrs seniority viv-a-vis other officers. now it has been reduced to two with all financial benefits reduced in equal measure. some people say that in earlier times doctors in the army used to be very compassionate and used to ask very often about the patients seen in MIR when they met them elsewhere. Now, no army doctor seems to be doing that. someone explained to me the reason for this. He said that AMC's strength was around 40000 in 1947 when Indian Army's strength was around 3.5 lakhs. Now AMC's strength is approx 55000 when army's strength has become almost 13 lakhs. In addition, ex-servicement have been added to clientele list who are to be managed within existing resources. (Fortunately, now we have ECHS). As we can all see, burden on AMC people has increased but rank, pay and other benefits have decreased.

  27. Any latest on DACP implementation by PPOC?Its high time that DACP is implemented, enough of unnecessary and avoidable delays.

  28. DACP implementation for Armed Forces Doctors at par with other Central Govt Doctors is in the anvil, only PPOC nod is required. When is that anybody ant idea?

  29. This is an issue that will decide the future course of the organization. The morale of the troops can be kept high with good health and health these days also includes an economically and socially productive life apart from physical and mental health. Doctors, in turn, will continue to dislike this organization as the best career option if they themselves dont get a conducive environment inside.

    If one doesnt get one's authorized pay and social status as per his parity, it definitely will be a reason of demotivation of a fresh medical graduate to join Army.

    No doubt Army pays good to a fresh medical graduate, but its not holding good after 13 yrs of service.

    To make things clear, a statistics should be shown to see the bigger picture.


  30. DACP:The Final frontier: has it been BREACHED or still there are some stumbling blocks? Maj Navdeep any update, giving us the good NEWS hat the Final Frontier has been breached and DACP is implemented for AMC.

  31. Maj NAVDEEP any idea regarding implementation or the ceremonial nod from PPOC regarding DACP for Armed Forces Doctors? Pl update us.Happy New year to you and your family and to this stupendous Blog of yours and ours.

  32. dear navdeep sir
    i want to know is dacp is aproved for army or cpo.plz tell about latest news about it....

  33. DACP the delay continues. Is there any remedy insight! Does ceremonial nod takes so much time!I know this will not be posted but the long drawn agony is too too much to bear!Maj Navdeep can you guide?

  34. THANK YOU THANK YOU and THANK YOU Maj Navdeep, for letting us know;.." Jan 29 2011, 9:28 AM navdeep: @One HP. You are right. Yesterday the AFT has issued a Notice of Motion to the Union of India for the implementation of DACP for AMC officers"...


  35. Any update on implementation of DACP for Armed Forces Doctors?

  36. Dear Sir,
    I am in full consonance with Major Navdeep.Once we are not coming in between hierarchic approach of Armed forces cadre ,they should not hesitate on it.Matter should be taken up with court to implement the recommendations.
    Your truely
    kuchh bhi

  37. Is it Gone with the wind, or is there some wind left?
    Any update anybody?

  38. Some of you are not sure how every Doctor is going to be benefited with the implementation of DACP. I had filed a case in Central Adminstrative Tribunal, Madras Bench and got an order favouring the Doctors of Atomic Energy. The Atomic Energy filed a writ petititon against the order of CAT in Madras High Court.The Madras High Court dismissed the writ petition and ordered implemetaion of DACP for the Doctors.

    My argumnent in the Court was as follows

    DACP is a time bound promotion scheme not based on vacancy for Medical Doctors in Central Government service. The promtions are as per the year of service rendered.The promtions are on the 4th, 9th, 13th and 20th year of service. There after the promotions are not based on the years of service but based on vacancy. The grade pay changes on every promotion.

    The Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP)scheme is based on the Tikku comission report and was recomended by the Fifth Commission and was implemented by a few ministries.

    The Sixth Pay Connision noted that all ministries havce not implemented the DACP scheme and reomended that all ministries irrespective of the organisation have to inplement DACP.

    The Cabinet approved the implemetation of the DACP on here is the extract. Para (vi) For Doctors, the Cabinet has approved promotions under the Dynamic ACP Scheme upto Senior Administrative Grade (Joint Secretary level) for Doctors with 20 years of service. Counting of Dearness Allowance (DA) on Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA) as on 01.01.2006 for fixing their pay in revised pay bands has also been approved;
    The court saw our points and ordered implementation of DACP for us.

    I appeal to the the Honourable Members of Parliamnt to enact a law entitled. "CONTEMPT OF GOVT. ORDERS" to curb the
    tendency of civil servents/military brass who disregard cabinet decisions and govt orders. The Government Officers should be penalised for not implementing Govt. Orders.

    At Present the RTI is tooth less as some babus just dish out information but no action is taken against the Civil servents for implimentation. The RTI also needs to be modified further

  39. Are we heading for a long drwan battle in court for DACP implementation for AMC or is there any hope in sight in near future?

  40. Any update on DACP, anybody?

  41. Jai Ho. Hope the delay in DACP will bring in good NEWS, whenever it is.

  42. dear sir as per 6 pay commissionthe doctors of rvc(remont veterinary corps)are also placed at par for pay along with doctors of amc and dental but nothing of that sort is seen in the aft chandigarh decesion regarding dacp implementation.i reqest you to kindly inform in this regard.i shall be highly greatfull to you.regards.

  43. can anyone provide the copy of AFT chandigarh decision copy regarding implementation of DACP to AMC within 3 months. date of decision is around 24-16 july 2011.

  44. whatever happened about DACP / NFFU. any updates.

  45. Whats latest about DACP

  46. Any news of implementation of DACP ???????????

  47. DACP Latest:File has moved from MoD(Finance) to Min of Fin(Expenditure) for a Final approval and is still there only.

  48. DACP:Isnt the delay in implementing the already President and Cabinet approved thing, duly ordered also by the AFT ORDER in July2011, a clear case of CONTEMPT of Court and also a Violation of a Govt Order?

  49. DACP 3 MONTHS!?!:

    the WAIT continues

  50. another month of waiting for DACP to see the light of the day

  51. It is not right to compare army doctors with civillian doctors. 1. In civilian set up one requires to complete 3 years of senior residency to quality for appearing in UPSC interview for specialist.2. In army even a fresh post graduate can join and in one year he becomes a major for which a civilian work 3 years for the same scale. 3. The competetion to become UPSC specialist is far far more tougher than selection in Army, I have personally attended both the interview. The competetion is at least 10 times more (just like IAS v/s NDA or CDSE; all of us know the competetion required to become an IAS versus NDA/CDSE). 4. Armed forces doctors get Military services pay, subsidized canteen and liquior facilities; although I agree that army doctors work in far more harsher conditions, but they have officer messes and orderlys also who take there good care, in civilian set up no such facility exisits, also you are sent to remote corners on a very short notice if there is a natural calmity that too without the proper dress and euipment which is always available to army doctors. %. THE MOST IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE ARMY DOCTORS GET PENSION FROM THE OLD SCHEME, ONLY ARMY IS THE ORGANIZATION IN WHICH YOU HAVE PENSION, GRAUTIY, PROVIDENT FUND

    FOR CIVILIAN DOCTORS JOINED RECENTLY NO GRAUTIY OR PROVIDENTFUND . AND THE PENSION SCHEME IS THE BIGGEST JOKE any citizen of india can take it. On the same date of joining and same date of retirement Army doctor will for his whole remaining postretired life will get at least 4 times more pension that his poor civilian counterpart. 6. There are so many national programs in which a civilian doctor has to manage every thing,only a person who has worked in those condition might appreciate.

    I am a doctor and wish all the best for my fellow brother doctors in Army, but one has to put things in right perspective.

  52. DACP:To Anon on 28March:Can you elaborate why 2 more months? And what is your source?

  53. To AJAI 4 DACP:One field posting be it in the face of enemy bullets or high altitudes like glacier, will clear all your doubts. Separation from your children is not even discussed.

  54. ...the contempt petition for DACP has not been disposed off, with the honourable court giving a fresh date of 9 Aug 2012 for the respondents to inform the court about the progress with regards to implementation of DACP scheme...all the best

  55. Hi Navdeep,

    I am following you for last 4 years, atleast. Sensitive topics with good analysis, many topics unknown but very much needed. Thanks for all these, Why don't you post your update and reanalysis regarding DACP. It will be very helpful at least to those who are interested in their career and financial issues.

    Thanks Again

  56. DACP BUZZ: 3rd week July. Cross u r fingers.

  57. What happened to DACP today on the 1 of Oct 2012........ the MOD must have asked for some more time

  58. DACP UPDATE:GOI filed an affidavit in hon'ble AFT Chandigarh bench on 1 Oct 2012 stating that DACP would be implemented before 31 Dec 2012.
    So the AFT has fixed 18 Jan 2013 as the next date of hearing.All the best.

  59. Can anybody shed more light on the intricacies of implementation of DACP.. What are the exact orders ?????

  60. Eid Mubarak. Hope DACP is implemented soon and so are the credit of RANK Pay arrears.KHUDA HAFIZ.

  61. so a GD will pick up Grade pay of 10000 (Rank of Maj Gen) in 20 yrs of service while an officer in possession of Post graduate degree prior to commissioning will get the same in 13 yrs of service.

    But what about the majority of specialist officers... i.e. the ones who do their PG in service, after a huge gap of 4 years.

    How their promotion will be fixed?

  62. is DACP coming with only pay or with rank as well?

  63. DACP: Till we wait for RANK Pay arrears to come, can DACP be far behind!31 Dec 2012 is the latest date.

  64. DACP:Happy Diwali. Enjoy n Enjoy.

  65. DACP BUZZ:A second option being explored by MoD on DACP is to take the matter to a higher court. How they plan to do it despite an affidavit filed in AFT on 1 Oct 2012 for implementing DACP by 31 Dec 2012,no clue!!

  66. what happened to DACP......

  67. Come Jan 18 show light on implementation of DACP

  68. DACP DACP, where R U? Still waiting!!

  69. DACP Any update anybody?

  70. is the dacp issue killed?

    is it in supreme court?

    what happened to the affidavit???

  71. DACP DACP where R U, searching everywhere but cant find U!!

  72. MoD has filed a Special Leave Petition , SLP , in Supreme Court against AFT judgement favouring grant of DACP to uniformed doctors under DGAFMS cadre

  73. DACP Latest: What happened to SLP in Supreme Court on 18 May 2013?

  74. DACP any latest, anybody??

  75. Finally what happened to DACP?

    Are AFT orders worthless and meaningless???? or the issue in Supreme court??

    Maj Navdeep can you throw some light....

  76. WHy what happened.....

  77. great!!

    AFT judgement of DACP is upheld by honble supreme court.

    I hope now it will be implemented in letter and spirit without much delay.....

  78. Still waiting for SOME MOVEMENT after SLP Dismissal at Supreme Court on 23 Sep long will be the Wait!!

  79. Hi Navdeep I am a serving AMC officer now when supreme court has given the go ahead for implementation of DACP why DG office is keeping quite over it any guesses
    we people lagging behind our dear friends from fighting arms .Awaiting your reply on the above subject Regards Amit

  80. It seems that the MoD and the top men of other arms and services are delaying the implementation purposefully. Let us hope it is implemented before 7th Pay commission

  81. Latest as on 07 March 2014 : The judge at AFT Chandigarh issued instructions to the Central Government counsel on 07th March 2014 that to ensure implementation of DACP proposal within 30 days or else ensure physical presence of Joint Secretary (Ordnance & Navy) - JS(O&N) - at AFT Chandigarh on 9 May 2014 to explain non implementation of DACP. JS(O&N) is the JS who looks after matters related to o/o DGAFMS ( i.e. all matters related to AMC ).

  82. Thanks anonymous March 8, 2014 at 5:51 PM

    At least some news. So the matter is not dead.

  83. what happened finally to DACP???

  84. What explanation did JS (O&N) gave????????

    was the explanation so strong that now everyone is so silent on DACP???


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