Friday, January 14, 2011

Great, now PCDA(P) circulates incorrect table for ordinary family pension for families of Lt Cols !

As regular readers would be aware, the Ministry of Defence had floated another pension chart on 15th Nov 2010 which describes the minimum pension and family pension amount for each rank. As also was brought out earlier on this blog on the said subject, though the pension of Lt Cols is mentioned correctly, the new pension chart puts the figure of ordinary family pension at Rs 8760 which is an incorrect figure corresponding to the time when Lt Cols were faultily placed in Pay Band-3 rather than Pay Band-4 as is the case now. The correct ordinary family pension amount is Rs 15420, that is 30% of the sum of the minimum of pay band (Rs 37,400) + Grade Pay (Rs 8000) + Military Service Pay (Rs 6000).

Now the PCDA(P) has released implementation instructions to all banks vide its Circular No 449 in which again the wrong figure of Rs 8760 is quoted which is bound to create another round of chaos in the already clueless banking staff.


  1. Dear Maj Navdeep,
    Not only the erroneous pension figure pertaning to Family Pension of Lt. Col was brought foward( without rectifying the error) from the original letter of Dept .of Ex-servicemen Welfare, but while publishing, PCDA(P) has introduced an additional error, the Family Pension of Brig. is shown as Rs.15,600/- where as it is ought to be 15690/- !
    This Circular will surely cause more misery than solace to the pensioners.
    These letters are addressed to the Chiefs. Can't the Service HQ intervee to correct them to show the factual positions?

  2. There is also another error in the earlier Circular 430 wherein the maximum pension of a MCPO I (Group A) of Navy is higher (13590/-) than that of a Hon SLt (13500/-)

  3. Can some Heads roll?

    Till what time the abject inaction?

    Is MoD headless and actionless?

  4. This will only stop when the affected persons file a criminal; complaint against the PCDA under Sec 327 (Voluntarily causing grievous hurt to extort property, or to constrain to an illegal act) Sec 415 (Cheating)and any other such applicable acts. File the case against the individual and not against the organisation.Let the dept therreafter corrct itself.

  5. Great BABUS.
    Unless personnel concerned are penalised examplarily,nothing is likely to improve.

  6. Dear anonymous at 1015:

    Where is the question of voluntarily causing hurt, or extorting property? Even of cheating? How will you prove the intent? How will you prove the hurt? How will you prove deliverance of property, or retention of the same?

    Section 167 IPC seems perhaps more appropriate (Section 167. Public servant farming an incorrect document with intent to cause injury).

    However, again, how will you prove mens rea? Incompetence may be annoying, but it is not criminal.

  7. In addition to sharing our views on this blog, we need to write to PCDA(P) and higher authorities concerned about this error.
    We should be positive and hope for corrective action by PCDA (P)soon.
    However,many of us are bound to suffer as a result of the erroneous circular at least for some time.
    We may curse the insensitiveness
    of persons concerned.
    Hope HE listens we ESM.

  8. It would be interesting to learn of the measures taken by the service headquarters between the time the erroneous table was issued by MOD and the time of publication of the CDA circular. Surely there was sufficient time for requisite corrections to be put in place, or so one could have hoped.
    A clear case of hope belied.

  9. can some one give email addresses of PCDA(P) and MOD's concerned department to enable the readers /interested ESM to wite to them about the error.

  10. Anony @ January 15, 2011 5:30 PM
    , Though I had not written to anyone at these addresses,I find the following info on the web.

    A.The link to 'Write to Us' page of PCDA(P) , Allahabad,
    The above page has a number of addresses and telephone numbers.

    B.In the Dept of Ex-serviceman Welfare of MoD, GOI,the E Mail address of the Pension Grievances Officer is
    Further,The web page of Mod gives the following info..
    1. Smt. Neelam Nath
    23792914, 23792913
    5-A, South Block, New Delhi
    2. Shri Shekhar Agarwal
    Addl. Secretary
    23011775 23017875(Fax)
    109-A South Block, New Delhi
    3. Shri Sanjeeva Kumar
    Joint Secretary (ESW)
    23015933 (Fax)
    99-A, South Block, New Delhi
    4. Harbans Singh
    Joint Secretary(Pension)
    213, A Wing,Sena Bhawan,New Delhi

    C.The link to Indian Army is
    The officers who are responsible for various pension issues are given as,
    1.All matters pertaining to pension Additional Directorate General Personnel and Services (ADG PS(PS-5)
    AG’s Branch, IHQ of MoD (Army)
    419, A Wing, Sena Bhawan
    DHQ PO, New Delhi – 11
    Telephone – 011-23792557
    2.All matters pertaining to pension PCDA (Pension)
    Dropati Ghat, Allahabad (UP)
    Telephone – 0532-2622618, 2622698, 2622699
    Fax – 0532-2621549
    3. Liaison related to pension matter from PCDA (P), Allahabad
    OIC Defence Pension Liaison Cell (DPLC)
    HQ MP, C&A Sub Area, Allahabad (UP)-211001
    Telephone – 0532-229-6219

    You may write to who ever responds among the above.

  11. Thanks to penmil for details.
    I have written to PCDA(P) and for this error as well as for disability awards to pre 1-1-06 retired ESM.
    Hope I get some response.
    I suggest and request all readers and interested ESM to bombard all possible officers with mails / calls to rectify / address our concerns.
    May be some one will listen to us.

  12. @Anonymous January 15 2011: All the contact details are available on this web page.

  13. Sir,Is it going 2 effect the improvement in pension as per circular 430. The amount of pension menctioned 4 different ranks in the annexure for PBORs r much less than what they r getting as per circular 430. What require is enhancement of pension 4 Hony offrs . Pension calculation should b same 4 all . How can an Hony offr b placed bellow an Mwo. Thank u sir.

  14. As per Govt MOD letter of 11.11.2008 para 4, pension is to be given as per consolidated method viz x2,26 of pre- 2006 pension in my case it was 7327x2.26=16560 pm. But as per para 5 Govt letter 11.11.2008.modified parity method is corresponding previous pay to be calculated as 14750x1.86=27435 and as per S A I 2/S/2008 page 22 it is also 27440+6600 grade pay +6000 M S P and bu Dy Manager S B I C P P C PANCHKULA says they can only revise when P C D A Pension gives fresh P P O whereas in first case pension was revised by them.Govt orders being denied and pensioners being deprived their entitlement delaying more than 3 years.Now whom should be approached.Please high light with appropriate authority.Major NS Gill S L 03035X P P O M/003862/2002.


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