Sunday, March 20, 2011

Write-Ups / Articles invited for upcoming journal on law related to uniformed forces

A new journal on the ibid subject is in the offing, the first volume of which should be out towards the middle of this year.

Besides other sections, the journal would have a separate part called ‘Opinions’ which would feature write-ups and articles contributed by an array of varied personalities. The journal would also feature international articles and judgements related to uniformed forces.

Readers of this blog are welcome to contribute their thoughts. The opinions section would be broad-based and not just strictly related to law and hence contributions on topics concerning the uniformed services (including the Police and other uniformed organisation) that may be ancillary to law, for example, administration, service benefits, policy etc are also welcome. Strategic and operational subjects however would not be covered. Case studies or structured articles are also welcome.

Contributors may send in their write-ups to my office email : lawoffice.ns [AT]

All contributors may send their full name, address, telephone number, email and brief bio alongwith their write-ups. Those who are serving with government organisations may enclose a scanned self-attested certificate that they have taken the requisite permission / sanction for the same.

The contributions would be liable to be edited and the decision to publish or not shall solely be that of the Editors. Contributors of all featured write-ups would be acknowledged in the journal. There shall be no compensation for the contributions since it is more of a public-oriented project by the publishers.


  1. Dear Sir,
    It is a very good appeal to all right thinking people to express their good and useful knowledge to others for the benefit of mass.

    Thank you Sir.
    Exwel Trust, Tirunelveli-dist, Tamil Nadu

  2. will do............

  3. Dte Gen of Staff Duties
    General Staff Branch
    Integrated HQ of MoD(Army)
    South Block
    New Delhi - 110 011

    13048/SD-1B 23 Dec, 2010

    Southern Comd (GS/SD)
    Eastern Comd (GS/SD)
    Western Comd (GS/SD)
    Central Comd (GS/SD)
    Northern Comd (GS/SD)
    Southern Western Comd (GS/SD)


    1. The abvn/acronym 'PBOR' does not exist in the 'Staff Duties in Fd Appx 'C' - Abbreviation 2006'. However, over a period of time incorrect usage of this term PBOR has become a practice. It is seen and reported by a Comd HQ that the acroym 'PBOR' is being wrongly used in respect of 'JCOs and OR'.

    2. The issue has been considered at the IHQ of MoD(Army). It has been decided that the acronym 'PBOR' will not be used, instead 'JCOs and ORs' is to be used in all the letters/comns.

    3. The above instr may be disseminated to the envt for compliance.

    (S Sharma)
    Lt Col
    Offg Dir SD-1
    for DCOAS (IS&T)

    Copy to :-
    All Branches of IHQ of MoD(Army)
    All Dtes of GS Branch

    Please highlight to your community. It mostly in Army. Other two are less evil.


Leaving a comment on this blog-post is not a guarantee of it being published.

Comments would be strictly moderated and those with personal or generalised slants and harsh language would not be published.

You are requested to bear with the comment editors since the process is subjective and not always under the direct supervision of Maj Navdeep Singh.

Comments with proper identification are encouraged rather than anonymous posts.

Thank You.