Friday, April 22, 2011

Related to the last post !

As informed, the govt has enhanced the monetary allowance for gallantry awardees ranging from Rs 1000 for SM/NM/VM(G) to Rs 10000 for PVC.

The allowance is monthly and not yearly as perceived by many on the blog. However, still voices are being heard that the amount is 'peanuts'. Personally I feel that the figure is very much justified considering that it is an amount which shall be paid every month for the entire life and shall also be subject to periodic revisions. Though a handsome one time grant on being decorated for gallantry should be more than welcome, the central govt cannot, and should not be expected to raise such allowances by exorbitant multiples just because a section of the society has a particular take on it. As far as I remember, the last raise was in 2008 which had pegged the monthly allowance for PVC awardees at Rs 3000, and three years later comes another increase by more than three times at places, and we are still not satisfied !!! Would we be ever ?

Let us not forget that even State govts supplement the central allowance with their own gallantry allowances which vary from State to State.


  1. Dear Major Sir,

    Thank you very much for the latest udate of the information. You are like Instant broadcaster. My sincere thanks .

    Exwel Trust, Tirunelveli-Dist, Tamil Nadu.

  2. Col A K Sarkar(Retd)April 22, 2011 at 10:20 AM

    Dear Navdeep,

    You are right on your comments.Every one should be happy with the enhanced allowances . It is for whole life and will keep on increasing with the passage of time .One should think about thousands of others who have sacrificed their life but did not get an award .

  3. The gallantary awards are 'battle honours'and no amount of monetary compensation can substitute the award. After all how many PVC's does independent India have-very few.It is something to take pride in.One third of this amount would go in taxation and would take shape like any other allowance.If it has to be given let it be worthwhile and TAX Free.Else don't give it.or give land, something which the individual and his family members will cherish

  4. why M-in-D (GALLANTARY) is not included in the can and through whom we can take up a case to get m-in-d included in the list

  5. It is really good to read news about welfare of Armed Forces personnel from time to time. But there are 21 PVCs ( I read the figure in one of the newspapers ) If one takes as of today Rs 10000 pm (earliar it was less and hopefully likely to increase in future )and considering the PVC awarded at 30 years of age, one would have got 60 lakhs at 80 years of age but in instalments. ( Of course i agree that state Govt too give something )Compare that to what one Crickter gets in one match or world cup after enjoying life in 5 * Hotels .Generally PVC is called Posthomous Vir Chakra. Imagine this is what you get for defending your country.
    They need to b given much more
    Next @ak jain
    Very aptly said how about M-in-D ( Gallantry ) also to be included.


  6. Dear navdeep ,
    I agree with your views, its an honourarium and the value of amount should not be too much of an issue.
    Again we have a large No. of people not only in forces, who are sacrificing a lot and may not have got recognition.
    So its the recognition in the form of medals/ gallentary awards thats more important.

  7. Do Not see this in isolation. See the comparative state of affirs as also the need of the hour to motivate people to keep joining to defend the motherland.

    Only one yardstick would not be justified ! Creation and upkeep of the heroes are social and national imperatives and necessities. The nation is called upon to set higher standards. It is not just the question of money but how much "Haves" care for such requirements.

  8. M-in-D (gallantary) ,definitely needs to be included in the list .

  9. What Col Sarkar stated is correct.It is for whole life,tax free and many other facilities are attached to it.There are3 many unsung heroes of war who have sacrificed their lives and forgotten.One should be not be too greedy and thank GOD they are alive and benefit from these awards.

  10. Why the greed?There are so many unsung heroes who have lost their life.Did one fight a battle to get a decoration and its benefits.The allowances are tax free and many other facilities are attached to the decoration.
    Pray to GOD that you are alive to enjoy the benefits.

  11. We will never get satisfied with whatever the government gives. Most of the gallantry award winners do not equate their recognition in monetary terms. Comparing with a select few who earn for a few years from the money their profession generated through TV channels, advertisements and spectators would be OK for the players of other games like Hockey but not for soldiers!

  12. Further to a k jain, when the state govt is giving monetary benifits for M-in-D(Gallantry), why the Govt of India has not included in the list. Whom can we approach?

  13. Fully agree with Col Sarkar .
    Monetary awards are likely to breed manipulations.
    In fact, a person from well to do family attempting to join armed forces itself, is an act of bravery.
    Who wants to join a life of hardships and strict discipline in these days. Every one is trying to earn more and more with all possible comforts of life.
    Acts of gallantary nature are a result of our extremely excellent training at NDA/IMA/OTS etc and under do or die situations ,good soldiers will have to be really brave. Another factor is ill reputation of our adversaries for ill treating their we will never like to surrendur.
    Any way, let us be happy with the present rate of this allowance , which I feel is good.

  14. why not, and why not more. these people have proved their worth when it was required the most.
    sqn ldr saurabh

  15. Gallantry Awards enhanced two to three times.Good News!!Don't you think Platinum Grant of Rs50,000/-given to officers at the age of 75 should also be increasd to at least Rs200000/-considering the present value of money!!But who will take up the case ?


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