Monday, May 9, 2011

Ex-gratia lumpsum payment to invalided personnel as per Union budget announcement : Orders issued for CAPFs, soon for defence services

As announced by the Finance Minister during the Union budget, orders for a fresh scheme of grant of a lumpsum ex-gratia amount for invalided personnel have been issued on the civil side for Central Armed Police Forces (formerly known as Central Paramilitary Forces).

Personnel disabled with attributable / aggravated disabilities and consequently invalided out shall now be entitled to Rs 900,000 (Nine Lacs) for 100% disability, proportionately reduced for lesser percentage of disability. The said lumpsum shall be applicable for people with 20% or above disability and the provisions of broad-banding or rounding-off of percentage for purposes of calculation of disability element shall not be applicable for computation of the newly introduced ex-gratia lumpsum.

The scheme is a fresh welfare measure with no connection with the recommendations of the pay commission and hence shall be made applicable only to those personnel who were invalided out / boarded out with more than 20% disability after 01-04-2011.

This ex-gratia lumpsum shall be in addition to the war-injury pension / disability pension / lumpsum compensation in lieu of disability or war-injury element / CAA etc and other welfare related schemes.


  1. It is very happy news Sir. Hope the orders are issued early to concerened departments.

    ExwelTrust, Tirunelveli-Dist TN

  2. Thanks for share this story.

  3. Dear Sir,
    You may also like to highlight this news article of Armymen posted to BRO units to be receiving the CI allowance (courtesy Armed Forces Tribunal Ruling). Similarly the IAF and Navy personnel posted to such locations can also ask for the CI Allowances. Kindly use this forum to spread the message that we must all ask for our dues to be paid to us in the correct sense. The URL for the news article is -:

  4. A very healthy Happy and Positive move even it is applicable for those after 01-04-2011 congrats. What is the fate of Pre 2006 disability Pen Broadbanding for all Ranks and the cut off date.Things are moving in the right direction and one should have patience and faith.

  5. doc 1- What is the ruling in respect of serving personnel with disabilities who proceed on voluntary pre mature release & /superannuate with disabilities as far as this lump sum payment is concerned ? Is it applicable to them too? Shall be grateful if this ruling could be uploaded.

  6. i want to start a project on war disabled personnel. please let me know from where i can get the names and addresses.

    christopher mathews


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