Friday, July 8, 2011

Revised allowances for Pre-independence awards

The earlier post on this blog on the subject related to Post-independence gallantry awards only.

The allowances for Pre-independence awards have also been revised by the Ministry of Defence as below :

Distinguished Service Order (DSO), Indian Order of Merit (IOM) and Indian Distinguished Service Medal (IDSM) : Rs 4000 per month

Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), Military Cross (MC), Distinguished Flying Cross (Officers) (DFC), Distinguished Service Medal (DSM), Military Medal (MM) and Distinguished Flying Medal (Other Ranks) (DFM) : Rs 2800 per month

Each bar shall carry the same (additional) amount as the original award.


  1. Thank you Naj Navdeep. After a recent visit to the remote areas of Garhwal I came across a widow of an IDSM. I shall now take up her case. Will try to get the authority letter as no payment can be made without that. Thanks for the good work.
    Brig RS Rawat

  2. Most recipients must have taken birth again..... in another country.

  3. Thank you sir for all the useful info provided on this blog. I wanted to ask what are rates of one time or otherwise payments made by the state governments of different states to the gallantry award winners of different categories and modus operandi to process such claims. I shall be thankfull for a reply.
    Maj Ajesh Kumar (a reply at this id will be highly solicited)


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