Sunday, October 9, 2011

Need to keep our eyes shut !

I hereby change track.

Let us keep our eyes shut to evade embarrassment.

I’m referring to this IANS report on re-employment of veterans in the Indian Railways.

Six decades into independence and we have not been able to ensure decent post-retirement avenues for our veterans, who, in certain ranks retire 25 years earlier than their civilian counterparts.


  1. I WAS DEEPLY DISMAYED TO READ THIS ARTICLE.These are SOLDIERS with skills that the Ministry of Home Affairs is seeking for trainers.The regular decimation of police personnel reported by our media indicates that they are hopelessly unskilled in all departments of guerilla warfare.The recent reports of links between the Maoists and the PLA should open the eyes of the MHA.THE CARDINAL RULE in training the next generation is to NEVER retire the skilled soldiers of an earlier generation.They must be brought back to training establishments of the Army / CRPF and teach younger colleagues the skills and patience needed to FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE at minimal cost to own troops.This is the need of the hour to bring back 226 districts of Eastern India into the mainstream & will take at least a decade to quell the insurgency without deploying the mainstream Army.


  3. We need to motivate youngsters to NEVER EVER join the Armed Forces in any capacity whatsoever except as defence civilians in various HQ. The politico-bureaucratic nexus ensures that we in uniform are reduced to beggars even in service, what to speak of when we hit civvy street. Mamata Banerjee is a product of the Indian political system, what better can be expected from her and her ministry. That be as it may, we need to educate our men about the classification of A, B C and D and the job rpofiles so that they do not fall for such egregious advts. Railways, shame, shame...

  4. Civilian org or para military org certainly humilate our Exservicemen while offering jobs..But we cannot blame them. Our own org while reemploying army officers treat them like 3rd grade citizens. Officers employed as OIC csds, Adm officers army schools,OIC ECHS, Secretary officers institutes & many more are paid from Rs7000-
    Rs 22000 meager pay.It is high time we start bringing this in discussion forums.Some pressure groups need to be created.

  5. India does need military. The country remembers its soldier only when some thing unusual happens. Even for rescuing a liitle girl from bore well the people need the army. When the floods devastate, the administration needs army, airforce and navy. To fight maoists they need military. Where life is involved, the country needs army. B'coz the soldier is expendable. He is been paid for dyeing for the country.

  6. Down Down Mamta and Indian Railways and all others who take simple fauji veterans for a ride!!

  7. We need not blame others.blame game is bad!If you want to show the smallness of 1 then write a bigger 1 on its right! let us do our home work properly and perform jobs sincerely, efficiently and effectively. And the generals should not go down in their esteem generally and show their weight and gender in real measures! Let the Army leaders lead as they are expected to ; come what may, do not slip down in standards. Eradicate corrupt practices all together. A seedha retired jawan & a naik Anna could achieve the awareness to HAZARON naagarik! Think of that! It is not the weapon that matters , the man behind the weapon alone matters; this we have heard thousands of times. Make your life tough but comfortable.Don't compare with civil chaps. In the long run it would make difference! I am sure.

  8. why should we accept and join such "low status" posts? that goes to say that, individual accepting such posts is just worth that much in life and doesn't consider himself to be competent for the posts of his status(irrespective of financial problems/compulsions). Even if some individuals accepted such posts due to sheer ignorance, its not too late to resign. But blaming the organisation for such recruitment is not wholly justified. Typical fruit vendor is expected to sell even the rotten fruits,no matter buyers are ignorant or acting under compulsion. That's the law of business.

  9. If charity begins at home. Then let us start at our home then blame others. We find humiliation every where post retirement in the defence institutions itself. When we reach ECHS, CSD, MH we find that boards are displayed showing Officers/families and ORs/families. To me officers are from Lt to Gen and ORs are Sepoy to Hon Capt. Does it not humiliate those veterans who are above sixty and their old ladies are standing in a Q when the officers counter is vacant and the person employed there is simply relaxing. Change your home situation first then go to see others. It is very easy blame others than to see ones own. Thank you. We need equal treatment everywhere not hither and thither.

  10. maj navdeep
    can u pl post an item explaining the status and rules governing local ranks , acting ranks and temp ranks , honorary ranks and substantive ranks .
    there r many confusions abt status an offr in higher local rank vis a vis a senior substantive ofiicer in the same rank . suppose a substantive col pick up the rank of a local brig , but one of his senior is still substantive col , who is senior local brig or substantive col who is originally senior

  11. in one of the judgement i read- was that "woodpeckers harms the tree more than the toofan outside". the seniors/flags fauji(woodpekers) are the real cause for most if not all problems like pensions, ECHS and civil jobs, for veterans. had they read the 3rd CPC word by word and did not accept twisted words and sentences written there in, the faujis would not have been in present day problems of lower pay, pension and degrading of ranks.4th, 5th further harmed the fauji and 6th CPC ....... the fauji. unfortunately till the flag......are in uniform- veterans are outcast for them. they forget soon they will become veterans. in any case polititian/babu nexus do not allow a real fauji to become General rank. jai hind.

  12. Monthly salary of an ECHS doctor is 25,000/-. Guess we are on suicide mission post retirement

  13. The day the service heads of Army, Navy and Air Force stop looking for gubernatorial jobs/plum posts abroad after their retirement, they will do well to perform their duties. They should not mind a stand off with the RM/ Govt on points of principle, like frequent deployment of Army for minor civil law and order problems,if asked to cotrol MAOist problem which is due to poor governance in some states, the MOD filing infructuous apeals against the judgements in favour of soldiers/veterans,degrading the defence personnel in the Order Of Precidence and so many other aberrations.
    The judiciary has to be pro- active to ensure penal deductions from the concerned bearucrats for non imlementation of the court judgements.

    It is high time the Govt stop treating serving soldiers as well as veterans as 3rd rate citizens. In no other country, we can find that the serving soldiers have no right to vote at their place of posting.


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