Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Processing of irregular Air travel claims

A large number of TA/DA claims for air travel have not been admitted by the office of Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Officers) on the pretext that the air tickets had been purchased from irregular sources for various reasons including non-availability of authorised offices or agents at certain locations.

Keeping this in view, it is learnt that the Army has taken up a case with the Ministry of Finance through the MoD to regularise such cases and also to allow bookings from other sources in such stations where authorised agents are not available or where there is lack of internet connectivity.

The PCDA(O) is learnt to have agreed to admit such claims provisionally pending the relaxation orders which are to be issued by the Finance Ministry. The ADG Movement has issued guidelines asking affected officers to re-submit rejected claims providing suitable justification.

The instructions have been floated to all Commands and if the same have not been received, the affected officers may contact the office dealing with the subject in their respective commands. 


  1. Dear Major, it is worth mentioning here that the very fact of authorising few agents only leads to speculation and possibility of the exploitation of the system. The assumption is not entirely unfounded as some officers have pointed out to the rates quoted by the "authorised" agents which are almost 100% higher as soon as the LTC 80 option is checked.One may carry out the exercise on B&L website..

  2. letter is issued by adg mov c&d if any one wants that letter can mail me or i will mail it to major navdeep so that he can upload it . it says claim will be admitted provisonally

    1. Thank you for the offer. Could you please send me a copy of the ADG Mov letter. My mail id is mask93@gmail.com. Regards and best wishes.

    2. Hi, Thanx for the info,im a naval officer i went on a ty duty in the year 2011 and the claim has been rejected by CDA(N) stating that tickets bukd thrgh pvt agent though the tickets were of air india and an amount of Rs 21600 has been recovered from my salary. Pls mail me the concern letters. My mail id is akashvarshney1123@gmail.com. Regards

  3. thanx Navdeep sir!keep up the gud work!!

  4. Hi Navdeep,

    Thanks for the information in this regard. (The PCDA(O) is learnt to have agreed .... The ADG Movement has issued guidelines .....)
    Can these two documents be provided so that those affected in the Navy also can also be benefited.

  5. Maj Navtoj,
    1. This is s great site for all kinds of military info, saw it today only. Thanks for the good work.
    2. Could you clarify the rule posn for mov of family on permt posting. I would like to mov my family and luggage to the new duty stn 2 months prior to my date of SOS. I would obviously mov later on being SOS.Any hassles?

  6. The Navy had already actioned the issue and has been the first to tackle the issue when it had earlier sent out a letter ( I saw it in the mail in Feb end). The funny part is that as Anony @ 7:49 PM on 28 Mar commented, authorised agents are generally much more expensive. Giving the devil its due, perhaps the LTC 80 option gives refundable tickets only and the cost > non-refundable tickets cost.

  7. @ Soami Bhatnagar -- March 28, 2012 8:28 PM

    I have some issues with the CDA (N). I am trying to resubmit my claims that have been rejected and money recovered for erroneous purchase of air tickets from non-authorised agent.
    CDA (Navy) claims that no authority exists for clearing such claims.
    Can you please post the link to such a letter or put it on this website.


  8. Dear Navdeep sir,
    Can you please mail me the ADG MOV c&d letter refered in the mail at rajatsood.rs@gmail.com

  9. Hi Navdeep,

    As I have requested @ April 9, 2012 12:19 PM,
    can this ADG (MOV) letter etc be posted or linked in your blog.
    We are unable to resubmit our claims for want of this.
    Also, can anyone throw light on the matter of an NAC being required from the Officer's Mess if staying at a Hotel onm T.D??

  10. why this kolaveri di?Central govt employees posted in Nagaland, Manipur are getting difficult area allowance @ 22% of pay.why it is not applicable to Def forces who are making it easy for them to have a safe & secure life in these areas?

  11. why telephone and broadband charges not being claimed by the Army?

  12. Dear Sir,
    The letter for the regularization of irregular Air tickets must be a long drawn process. The CDA has refused to admit such cases and the already admitted claiims have been placed under observation.
    What to do ??

  13. @soami bhatnagar
    Can you send me a copy of the ADG Mov C&D letter to my email id chs.shankar@gmail.com ?
    Thanks !!

  14. thanks. pl send me copy of the letter of adg mov.my email id is verna2884@gmail.com

  15. hi ,
    kindly mail this letter at amit_bhatnagar001@yahoo.co.in

  16. I still havent been emailed the ADG MOV letter which has been quoted by some people here. If someone has it can you please mail to me at chs.shankar@gmail.com

  17. thanks a lot sir for the good work

    I request you to send me the adg mov c&d letter on to my mail address

    shashi kant

  18. it is indeed surprising how can such a regulation be even agreed upon.was it not known that the availability of a handful agents will be a problem ? when carrying out local purchase we go for lowest bidder then why not while performing air journey ?boarding pass and bills are a good enough proof that the journey was performed ....documentation for authenticity and entitlements is not an issue but harassment's on these grounds ...pl do not put obstacles on the hard earned money of faujis!!!

  19. Thanx for this input. Will be grateful if the letter can be emailed to me at rambir.mann@gmail.com

  20. Services should inform the general public through recruitment ads that age of retirement of officers is 54 years and grade pay of Brigadier is less than an IES officer with 10 year's service.


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