Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rumour killer :- Armed Forces Grievances Redressal Commission

Some veterans have been circulating this old post of mine dated 15 Nov 2010 wherein it was stated that the Hon’ble Supreme Court had ordered the constitution of an Armed Forces Grievances Redressal Commission.

The directions for creation of the above mentioned commission were later withdrawn by the Supreme Court, details of which were also posted on the blog on 09 July 2011, that is, more than a year ago.

Hence, there is no order in force regarding constitution of an Armed Forces Grievances Redressal Commission and consequently there is no such body or organisation.

The circulation of the incorrect and withdrawn order has unnecessary created chaos in the environment with people writing left, right and centre about a commission which does not even exist.

I would request veterans not to spread unnecessary rumours by packaging outdated and old news as fresh. This raises expectations and leads to avoidable controversies.

Thank You. 


  1. This clarification will be a big help to the ignorant and the misled. The dissemination of stale news is yet another clear case of not very responsible wishful thinking on part of the chainmail wizards who spread such duff gen on the net. One wishes they'd read some old newspapers.

  2. Yes that order of the SC is still there in SC website..in fact I also got carried away initially. But when I downloaded the SC it was a old one. But Govt reaction on this is still not clear.. Was this order changed later on?

  3. @Ashok Singh : The information system on the website of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India is such a vast improvement on the way things were done in the past. But, still, it'll be some time before updations and cross-linking facilitations would begin to look like those on Google or Facebook.

    It takes a bit of searching, but updates can be found. The circulation by some people of out-of-date information can be ascribed to this non-availability of updates. Here is a link to the court order that withdrew the previous order http://courtnic.nic.in/supremecourt/temp/29120103572011p.txt

  4. Traditionally and generally, judiciary dosn't interfere in the matters of Armed Forces. And, Yes, circulation of fake letter of toll tax exemption and this latest chain of emails says much of our character. after all, we are a creed of distinction :-) Good bless


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