Monday, May 20, 2013

Gauhati High Court endorses Limited Competitive Examination for the IPS, sets aside the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal

The Limited Competitive Examination (LCE) for induction into the Indian Police Service (IPS) was stayed by the Central Administrative Tribunal last year in a Petition essentially filed by officers of the State Police Services.

The CAT had later allowed the petition and quashed the notification of the examination as well as the amendment of the Rules incorporating LCE as one of the entries into the IPS.

The verdict of the CAT was then challenged before the Hon’ble Gauhati High Court by the Central Govt and also by some officers who had applied for the LCE.

The High Court has now set aside the decision of the CAT and has upheld the validity of amendment of the rules through which LCE has been introduced.

The entire judgement of the High Court (10 MB) can be downloaded by clicking here


  1. A comprehensively detailed judgment with elaborate deliberations on each and every grain of facts the issue is based upon. A must read for every student of Law .

  2. finally a welcome step.

  3. Respected Navdeep Sir,

    The judgement is filled with legal jargon n terms.

    may I request you to please eplain it in simple language. just the gist of it and whether is there any likelihood of the exam being conducted next year or this year for PC officers ?


  4. Just a tit bit from net....

    No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Military for 20 years or more,risking their lives protecting your freedom, and only get 50% of their pay on retirement.

    While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital,protected by these same men and women,and receive Full-Pay retirement after serving one term.

    It just does not make any sense

  5. Dear Navedeep sir,
    1. do you have any idea that when is the candidature of a candidate is canceled by upsc, as you must be aware that upsc cancelled candidature of 149 candidates as there application did not reach their office through proper channel despite delhi high court interim judgement telling upsc to let the army officers appear.
    2. when i approaced upsc through RTI , they did not reply satisfactorily.
    3. what would be the fate of those 149 candidates , is there any legal course that can be taken?
    4. My name is Maj NS Rana and i am posted in Bhatinda,I would like to file a case against upsc for them cancelling the candidature, will you please take my case, i will be highly obliged. my id is
    5. kindly acknowledge

  6. sir, does it authorise army officers to appear for said exam next year and subsequent years?

    Does AO 27/87 still come in between and army will impose restrictions on its officers again?

    Pl elaborate major navdeep.

  7. Dear navdeep sir
    i am an Ex-ssc officer released from army this year after 05 years of service,will i eligible to appear in IPS exam if UPSC conducts IPS Exam again.kindly tell me regarding this.
    thanking you

  8. We know recruitment process of all state commission.but barring men from central armed police forces utterly wrong.then ips should not even head CAPF.Perhaps a big quedtion mark on upsc recruitment process who recruit men in CAPF....


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