Wednesday, December 25, 2013

‘Global Seminar on Military Justice Reform’ held at Yale University : Full Report

The report on the ‘Global Seminar on Military Justice Reform’ held in the US at the Yale University in Oct 2013, has been made available.

The seminar was attended by judges, jurists, academia and lawyers dealing with military law from around the world of which I was one of the invitees.

The full report can be accessed by clicking here and would be of special significance to those dealing with related subjects.

The report is succinctly drafted and is 19 pages only and hence should not impinge much on the time of the readers.

The last pages of the report comprise the ‘reading room’ of the seminar with clickable links of resources that can be directly accessed online.



  1. I have read the report. The report is good and the seminar discussed some important issues. Few points:
    Main coverage seemed to be of US, UK, Canada and Mexico (all NATO). Was there no representation from Australia, Africa?

    Only two uniformed personnel in photo. Are rest all civilians? If so, does it mark a process by which military legal process is passing into civilian hands worldwide?



  2. We are proud of you representing India in the international seminar. As rightly said AFT has not acquired the teeth it requires to function truly as a tribunal. You have already initiated some legal action in this direction, hope it bears fruits soon. Everybody agrees that AFT should come under Min of Law rather than remain under MOD.

  3. Great going, this is a singular honour- well deserved in light of the exhaustive knowledge you possess (and have shared with us) on the subject matter and also the yeoman service rendered by you for all our sake.

    Well done

  4. In response to Harri's questions, invitees from South Africa and Australia were in the end unable to attend. The U.S. government "shutdown" also interfered with some of the anticipated participation by military personnel. Major Navdeep Singh was a significant contributor to the discussions.


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