Friday, October 10, 2014

Another instrument of harassment abrogated- Boarding Passes not required for settlement of TA Claims

The Govt of India has progressively dealt a blow to yet another bastion of harassment.

Though the Ministry of Defence is not as proactive as the DoPT, the same dispensation shall be made applicable to military staff mutatis mutandis.

The Department of Personnel and Training as well as the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare have time and again displayed utmost sensitivity towards the problems of employees and pensioners. Genuine proposals are given due thought and are not rejected summarily. The officers manning important positions are open to suggestions and are always available for interaction and across the table discussions. In fact, to be military specific, there have been instances when the said departments have taken a stand against the Ministry of Defence and the Army HQ in favour of military pensioners and disabled personnel reminding the system about proper appreciation and interpretation of policy.

It would definitely be in the fitness of things for other Ministries and Departments to imbibe the spirit of positivity set into motion by these two departments.


  1. this is letter dated 07 Oct 2014....please see this letter dt 08 Oct 2014....which one is to be followed


    Government of India
    Ministry of Finance
    Department of Expenditure
    North Block, New Delhi
    Dated the 8th October, 2014

    Office Memorandum

    Subject: Travelling Allowance (TA) Rules – Submission of Boarding Pass along with TA bills- reg.

    References have been received in this Department seeking review of the existing guidelines relating to submission of Boarding Passes alongwith TA bills for air journeys performed on Government account.

    2. O/o Controller General of Accounts have clarified that as per provisions of Civil Accounts Manual Pay and Account Offices are mandated to ask the DDOs to produce records to ensure that the journey for which TA is being claimed, was actually performed and DDOs may accordingly be asked to enclose the Boarding Passes with the TA bills.

    3. Since submission of Boarding Passes as proof of having undertaken the journey is a requirement under the rules and procedures for passing TA claims, all concerned are required to follow these instructions. Ministries/Departments etc. are accordingly advised that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.

    (Subhash Chand)

    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike
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  2. I think this is already contradicted by the finance ministry
    Please see

  3. MoD&Desw,may please LEARN something out of this and start pro-active thinking,instead of MUTATIS-MUTANDIS type of actions(that also far too delayed)

  4. This raises the question----WHO is "Govt"?

  5. Sir,

    The following letter clearly speaks that in our Govt, what the left hand does, the right hand does not know.



  7. No wonder PM himself realised & referred to "Many GOVTs within the Govt" in his Aug/15 address.

  8. Dear All,

    Apparently the OM from MoF dated 08 Oct 14 may be to nullify the self-styled DoPT's OM which does not have the approval of MoF, DoE, no not said in so many words. But MoF prevails over any policy letters issued by any Min or Dept, in our set-up since it involves financial propriety of Govt servants. W e must understand that our own MPs and Air India officials are involved in multi-crore sames of fake LTC claims with fake boarding passes. If there are any rebuttals, pl go ahead and post ! Jai Hind!

  9. Will it be difficult to submit Boarding Pass alongwith TA Claims as proof of journey? In case of missing Boarding Pass, do exercise discretion, instead of dispensation.


  10. Boarding Passes are required to be submitted in original just to make sure Govt Officials (which means Faujis) do not use the Boarding Passes to get free airmiles. That is one reason which is immidiately apparent (other than a few reasons I will not discuss in this forum since it will put certain idiots who call themselves Officers in poor light). Hint- Max Credit Card Points. Hint 2 - wrong / forged claims.

  11. The letter has been cancelled. Now you have to give Boarding pass with claims.
    CGDA has clarified the issue and refused to accept this.

  12. Sir,
    MoF has overruled this letter on 08 Oct 14 vide No 19030/3/2014-E.IV. Boarding passes are to be produced.


  13. Is that there is any reservation for defence students in NEET 2017?


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