Unabridged version of my op-ed that has been published in
the Deccan Chronicle and The Asian Age today (07 June 2015):
Captain Kalia, pain, agony and an
institutional malaise
Navdeep Singh
Seldom have I picked up a pen to
write an opinion with a hazy mind. Hazy not because I am unclear about the
issue at hand, but because I feel I have no solutions to recommend, and those
who were tasked and legitimately expected to find an answer many moons ago,
have washed off that responsibility and thrown the ball, literally, in the
court of Courts.
Late Capt Saurabh Kalia’s case,
the casualness shown thereon and the quandary, nay inertia, over invocation of
the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), paradoxically,
emanated from a different matter, and that was a Public Interest Litigation
filed by the Late Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora in 1999 before the
Gujarat High Court seeking a declaration that 54 Prisoners of War believed to
be in Pakistani jails may not be treated as “presumed dead” but “on duty” for
all purposes till the notional date of retirement and their kin accordingly be
released all benefits of such declaration and that the Government take the
issue to international fora for justice.
Accepting his plea in 2011, the
Gujarat High Court, in a 57 page decision, recording chilling details of the
travails of such Prisoners of War held in Pakistani detention which could bring
a tear to the toughest eye, directed the Government to grant all service and
retirement benefits by treating such Prisoners of War as alive, and more importantly,
in Paragraph 27(a) directed the Government of India to approach the ICJ on the
issue of non-release of our Prisoners of War.
It was similar relief that the
father of Capt Saurabh Kalia had sought from our Government, and having failed
so, also approached the Supreme Court for respite.
However, what most are not aware
of is, that during the currency of the last regime, on 02nd May 2012
to be precise, rather than taking steps towards implementing the judgement, the
Government of India appealed against the decision of the High Court before the
Supreme Court and also obtained a stay on the directions on approaching the ICJ.
The stand of the Government was
hence clear on the subject, whether it is our Prisoners of War or the ghastly incident
of Capt Kalia’s torture- the ICJ could not be approached since its jurisdiction
is consent-based and both parties to the dispute need to permit the lis being adjudicated by the said Court.
There is some truth in such a claim and agreeable is the suggestion that the
hands of Government are somewhat tied, but the question arises whether it was prudent
for the Government to oppose such a claim in the Supreme Court or file an
appeal in General Aurora’s case? The answer is absolutely in the negative.
By opposing genuine and
legitimate claims of the families of soldiers who have suffered the horrors of
war, the Government does not send the right signals to the nation at large. In
fact, it is also not entirely accurate that the Government cannot approach the
ICJ without the consent of Pakistan. There was a way out. Rather than opposing
the plea in the Supreme Court, the Government of the day could have invoked the
jurisdiction of the ICJ under the unilateral application clause without the
consent of Pakistan within the meaning of Paragraph 5 of Article 38 of the
Rules of the ICJ (Forum Prorogatum)
under which the ICJ would have transferred the petition to Pakistan for its
response to the same. There are only two instances where such an approach has
finally succeeded but at least the bona
fides of the Government of India would have been clearly enunciated thereby
bringing the horrendous war crime into sharp global focus, even if it had hypothetically
resulted in a rejection at the ICJ ultimately. The saving grace though is the
pleasant news that India’s current no-nonsense Minster of External Affairs has
decided to render a relook at the entire issue.
Which brings me back to a very
pertinent question, and that is, whether the issues related to the dignity and
welfare of martyrs, their families, military veterans, military widows and even
serving soldiers should shuttle between protests, distrust, disdain and from
pillar to post to Court, or should the Government itself be sensitive enough
and ensure that the disquiet is relieved through a temporal unguent?
The last few years have not only
seen families of martyrs up in arms but also the Government, especially the
Ministry of Defence, taking a stand contrary to the genuine claims of the military
community including disabled and war disabled soldiers by filing thousands of appeals
right up till the Supreme Court against, at times, just a few hundred rupees of
benefits granted to them by Courts and Tribunals. The Government also placed a plea
before the Supreme Court, and got a favourable verdict, that poor soldiers,
veterans and widows aggrieved by the decisions of the Armed Forces Tribunal
(AFT) would not be able to challenge the same before the High Courts, thereby
snatching away their fundamental rights which are otherwise guaranteed to every
citizen of the Country. The only way to question AFT verdicts now is to
approach the Supreme Court directly but the same is permitted under law only if
the case involves a “point of law of general public importance” and which
approach anyway is unaffordable and inaccessible for the petty amounts and
issues that most of such litigation involves.
Though the current Government
has tried to improve the interface with the military community, things are not
moving as swiftly as expected since the perilous hold of the lower bureaucracy
in the Central Secretariat remains the same, and then, as we know, while
political executive is variable, the babudom
is a constant. If the Government is serious about assuaging sentiments, then it
should no longer be business as usual.
I shall now fall back upon my
disclaimer. There is not a solution I can recommend in Capt Kalia’s case, but unfortunately
neither can the Court. It is the Government’s bounden duty to protect the interests
of those who protect our borders. It is the system’s responsibility to find a
way out of the logjam and to iron out the creases. As citizens, we expect the
Government not only to raise the issue internationally and robustly with
Pakistan, but also the highest of the political executive to personally reach
out to Capt Kalia’s family and others affected by such horrors and to alleviate
their hurt.
Per Thomas Carlyle, “endurance
is patience concentrated”, but then, let us not stretch it to the extent of
causing a rupture in our national pride we so very cherish.
Major Navdeep Singh is a practicing
Advocate in the Punjab & Haryana High Court and the Armed Forces Tribunal.
He is a Member of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War
at Brussels.
He is also the author of “Maimed by
the System”, a collection of real life accounts of military veterans and their
families who fought to claim their rights.
Dear Navdeep ,
ReplyDeleteReality has been brought out nicely, however most of readers are veterans & serving pers.thus does not has any impact on Govt or policy makers unless we involve
We should also involve some MP,to raise issue in both the houses periodically.
Veterans must shift from Passive to Active mode.
ReplyDeleteDo the ministers concerned know this view or are they only listening to the bureaucrats? Can matter not be represented to the PM or questions raised by MPs in Parliament? Can your article be published in Major Newspapers or be the subject of a TV debate to bring the issue to the notice of the Nation? This is indeed shameful behaviour by the powers that be.
When I was a young officer, I particularly liked reading of gritty slogans of hardy units - 'we don't leave even our dead behind' types. Slogans like 'death before dishonour' and 'Kayar hunu bhanda marnu ramro - Better to die than be a coward', were very appealing to the young psyche. I also read that UK launched operation against Falklands across 7 seas, despite clear advice that it is military folly, only on the premise that honour is better than assured victory. Here we have a case of a unit, brigade, division who accepted such dishonour of comrades in battle, with no sense of outrage. They took no revengeful action themselves, leaving the dirty work to the Raksha Mantri. This is exactly how we hand over the command responsibility to civilians and politicians. Now the same units, brigades, divisions would be holding colourful anniversaries, battle honours and reunions over Kargil, with a lot of pomp and glory. Not the army some honourable men would like to be a part of.
ReplyDeletea passive response from the government can kill morale but then, who cares
ReplyDeleteSir unfortunately this country is run by IAS and every five years we can elect politicians but not IAS. Be it NDA or UPA certain basic ideology against soldiers is going to remain same. its totally on military boses to stand united and fight
ReplyDeleteSarvesh Rai
New Delhi
I am sure majority of lower level Bureaucrats at MoD are good, kind hearted and Nation loving persons. It is only a small group of corrupt bastrds who have made a 'Dhanda' in conniving with a group of lawyers to file appeals and siphon away state exchequer for their petty gains. These fools are not realizing that they in fact are doing much more damage to the faith and trust of a soldier, who faces a bullet in the hope that his kin would be looked after. Veterans agitation is perhaps last nail in this coffin.
ReplyDeleteDear Raksha Mantri Ji, identify these black sheep by setting up an Enquiry and find out how much money is paid to fight these appeals and how much money is 'saved' by denying rightful due to our soldiers.
Wake up ......
'Mera Bharat Mahan'