Thursday, November 19, 2015

7th Central Pay Commission Report (Updated)

A new Chapter in the life of every Government employee and pensioner.

The 7th Central Pay Commission Report can be downloaded by clicking here.

Will update the blog on the highlights soon.

Thank You.

* * *

Update as promised:

You would have received multiple emails on the highlights of the Pay Commission. It is hence not necessary to touch upon its salient and well known features.

On the whole, the 7th Central Pay Commission has been a mixed bag. There have been some progressive proposals but then there are some basic mistakes of appreciation. Of course, these are just recommendations and subject to approval of the Government. Some of these recommendations may just be junked and some may be upwardly revised too.

However, it does become important to list out some observations affecting both civil and military pensioners which may have been glossed over by many.

Some of these are:

·         There is no big-ticket change in the system of calculation of family pensions. The system of percentage remains the same. For example, ordinary family pension remains pegged at 30% of basic, Special Family Pension (Called Category B & C Extraordinary Family Pension in case of civilian employees) remains at 60%, and so on.

·         Minimum Pension and Family Pension upgraded from Rs 3500 to Rs 9000. In the last pay commission, it had been enhanced from Rs 1275 (Rs 1903 after merger of DA) to Rs 3500.

·         The system for calculation of regular pension has been progressively moulded and it has been provided that increments must be taken into account notionally for fixing pensions. This is similar to what had been ruled by the Patna High Court earlier this year.

·         The system of Disability benefits for the Defence Services has been recommended to be reverted to the pre-2006 system of fixed amounts (slabs) rather than percentage of pay-scales as granted to civilians. This is a truly regressive move and it seems that basic application of mind was lacking while recommending the same. To take an example, with what has been recommended by the Pay Commission, if a Lt Gen of the Army gets 100% disabled while in service, he/she would be entitled for a disability element of Rs 27,000 but if his/her counterpart from the Central Armed Police Forces is disabled, he/she shall be entitled to a disability element of Rs 67,500. We will however ensure that this illogical recommendation is rejected by the Government.

·         While the Commission has taken note of many Supreme Court decisions in favour of and against pensioners, it has omitted to cite or take note of the latest case law on the subject of cut-off dates favouring pensioners, including Civil Appeal 1123/2015 State of Rajasthan Vs Mahendra Nath Sharma decided on 01-07-2015.

·         The Commission wrongly notes that the principle of broadbanding has been extended by the Ministry of Defence to all eligible disabled personnel w.e.f 01 Jan 2015. Firstly, it has not been extended to all but only to litigants, which continues to be the present situation, and secondly, the correct date of implementation is 01 Jan 1996 or date of release or grant of disability/war injury pension, whichever is later, as per Supreme Court decision.

·         The Commission wrongly observes that a Committee of Secretaries did not accept the merger of Rank Pay with Basic Pay and states that the Supreme Court has also upheld this view. This is incorrect. The Supreme Court has, on the contrary, upheld that Rank Pay forms a part of Basic Pay. It may be recalled that the Rank Pay had been carved out of Basic itself.

·         The Commission wrongly notes that only post-2006 retired Honorary Naib Subedars had been granted the pension of regular Naib Subedars by the 6th CPC. In fact, there was no such cut-off date prescribed by the 6th CPC and the said cut-off date was introduced only while implementing the 6th CPC recommendations and later this cut-off date was set-aside by way of judicial directions affirmed by the Supreme Court.

·         The rates of lumpsum ex-gratia for deaths connected with service have been upwardly revised more than double, unlike the last time when these were merely doubled.

·         Chairperson of 7th CPC has recommended Non Functional Upgradation (NFU) for Defence Services while other Members have dissented and recommended the scrapping even for civilians.

·         Exit recommended to Short Service Commissioned Officers after 7 years of service (between 7 and 10 years) with additional benefits.

·         Additional old age pension as is available to regular pension not recommended for disability benefits. This is again ridiculous and also infructuous since the said additional benefit is already available to disability benefits and clarified as such by the Government of India. It was also illogical for the three services to have asked for this in their Joint Services Memorandum since this stood granted and notified by Government.

·         Lumpsum ex-gratia award of Rs 9 lakhs applicable to invalided personnel increased to Rs 20 lakhs. The amount is for 100% disability, to be proportionately reduced for lesser percentage.

·         Director General of Coast Guard to be placed in the Apex Grade.

·         More senior level posts for CAPF officers in the top hierarchy of their organizations.

·         New Rates of MSP: Commissioned Officers 15,500, JCOs/Other Ranks 5200.

·         Additional Post Allowance for all personnel looking after additional duties.

·         Extra Work Allowance for personnel with extra responsibilities.

·         Risk Related Allowances placed on a Risk and Hardship Matrix (RH Matrix).


  1. They did it again

    6.2.32 The Commission sought the views of the Ministry of Defence in the matter. Ministry of Defence has stated that the Services have based their case on the premise that Rank Pay should be merged with Basic Pay before fixation of pay. As has already been noted above the accepted and settled view is that of Rank Pay should not be merged in Basic Pay. Here again, the Commission agrees with the view of the government and is of the view that the replacement scales granted to Lt. Colonel and Colonel/equivalent by the government are not depressed. Therefore no change is warranted.

  2. brig of defence max pay 197500 whereas deputy secy of gr pay 7600 max scale of pay 209200 recommended by pay commission. similarly lt col max 192800 and col max 195800.
    Ration money rec to be withdrawn for offrs. NPA rec to be reduced to 20% from 25%.
    7cpc report very disheartening for defence offrs/doctors.(old doc)

  3. Highlights are
    1. CAPFs have been equated with armed forces for all allowance & benifits except MSP
    2. MSP included in VI CPC as pay to show that armed forces officers enjoy a 23% edge over civilians through out.
    3. NFU recommended for CAPF & AFs based on residency as I understand u will get Maj Gen pay in 32yr. Both members not in agreement becos granting NFU will have Command and control problem.
    4. Def Offrs donot require any addl compensation due to, Free rations, canteen, CVs in rlys, 100 units electricity. However, free ration & 100 unit electricity rec to be abolished
    5. OROP for all def and civ employees

  4. Reverting to the slab system for disability element is truly regressive. Furthermore, there is absolutely no inflation protection .The percentage
    system had a 25 % increase on every 50% increase in DA. So over a 10 year period, in real money value terms, the slab would actually be worth half of the initial amount. Thus in the example between a lt gen and his CPF counterpart would not be 27,000 and 67000 but 13,500 and 67000. Amazing how such grave injustice can be perpetrated, especially for defense force personnel who need to be taken care of as they are many orders of magnitude more likely to get disabled in the line of duty than their civilian counterparts. They should receive more compensation but here it is the reverse. It is really amazing. Is this some form of punishment for the defence forces. For what? Putting their lives on the line for the nation ?The message is very clear - it is foolish to serve the country in Siachen, jungles, deserts and fight terrorists- the solider is a third rate citizen. Even more amazing is the logic applied in the commission's report in arriving at this recommendation , viz, it is seen that % of senior officers retiring with disability element has shown an upward trend from 13.7 to 19 %. So, because of that all other junior officers , JCO, ORs should suffer ? And what about those invalided out? They are the most vulnerable lot and they and their families will suffer terribly by this. If nothing else at least for those invalided out, the percentage system with DA protection should be retained. Else this is going to result in another OROP type protest movement and bring a bad name to the govt.
    Also, the so called upward trend in persons retiring with disability element is a faulty conclusion as it is based on a ridiculously few number of years. Their are bound to be ups and downs in such data and conclusions cannot be drawn based on just 3 years of higher figures.

  5. Thanks, Maj Navdeep.Please keep us informed of the action you would recommend for getting right the points poorly handled by 7CPC. Please argue for a Defence Forces and Veterans Commission.

  6. The Disability allowance is a big downer. It is illogical and it shows that proper application of mind has not been put into it.

  7. sir,
    abolition of furlough- how will some one be on leave more than two months. no provision now vis a vis civilians who can avail any number of accumulated leave. defence people are given even this option. logic...

    rations for officers in peace abolished. most of the time peace station is only for namesake. people move out for exercises, training camps. operations, flood relief etc... implications..

    factor of 2.67 for 8900 grade pay in matrix for civilians but 2.57 for similar grade pay for defence officers-- logic..

    if column for 10000 grade pay is used for fixing of Director level officers with NFU, then it is double whammy first they get fixed in a higher table and then factor also gets multiplied by 2.72. and if they continue to draw increent as per that column then literally they become joint secretary equivalent without doing anything for that post. hope they will be fixed in 8700 column with multiplication factor of 2.57

  8. The Lt Col (S) and Lt Col with 13 years of service are placed in the same pension scales.

  9. Thanks Major Navdeep for swift analysis of 7th CPC.

    One Point regarding Flying Allowance and its equivalent. They have averaged out all brackets and then multiplied by 1.5, which means increase from 21000 to 25000. where as it should be 21000x1.5.

    I think that's disadvantageous too.

  10. sir, orop for all civilians and not even a whimper about the cost/administrative work load etc etc. ... all bogeys are raised only for defence personnel it seems. so civilian employees retire at 60 and still be eligible for orop. wow. why should someone join defence... big question...No nfu, no promotion, no financial benefits and then no orop if premature retirement. for civilians there is no such restriction.

  11. This is much needed blog post.

    The part which states, "...upheld that Rank Pay forms a part of Basic Pay. It may be recalled that the Rank Pay had been carved out of Basic itself" serves to underline how little progress has been made on old issues.

    The old anomaly resulting from Officers being given rank and corresponding pay-scale of Lt Col on time-bound promotion, but not the corresponding rank-pay, has still not been sorted out, nor has any meaningful discussion taken place on the same on blog-posts or elsewhere.

  12. Dear Maj Navdeep

    Can you believe it? 7CPC has recommended against the free rations for officers posted in peace areas. Ridiculous. If that is the case, then how are defence civilians posted in peaceful areas throughout their lives are entitled for CSD benefits. We have to represent our case to the govt. before the report gets implemented.

  13. dear sir not understood the way disability pension has been revised.may pls give the example.

  14. Has there been any change in the age cut off dates or rates of additional old age pension recommended?
    What are the minimum and maximum bsic pay and other allowances recommended for various ranks?
    Veteran Sqn Ldr Haridevan

  15. Withdrawal of ration in peace is not a good recommendation

  16. Another anamoly that is evident and willl become a contentious issue is the pay fixation of defence forces officers without implementation of NFU. While using the multiplication factor of 2.57 and 2.67 for lvel 13 and 14 the commission has not factored in the impact of NFU not being granted to defence forces. While the grade pay of 8900/10000 was added to the basic pay of the Group Organized services who have attained 20 years of service by being eligible for NFU same is not applicable to armed forces officers. The grade pay in their respect was restricted to 8700 as they were not eligible for NFU. This would lead to all services who were given NFU to be fixed at higher basic pay level in the matris at level 14 whereas all defence pesonnel up to the rank of brigradial and equivalent would be fixed at a much lower lecel. this will have severe ramifications.
    Another glaring anamoly is abolishment of grant of tech allowance for tier II cources. This was a significant allowance and loss of Rx 4500/- per month and no increase in allowance for Tier I course will severely impact the total take home.
    I hope that the defence officers community and its responsible leadership would be very vocal about these anamolies and we look up to our Chiefs to take up the matter with teh Govt strongly. the pay of the officers should be adjusted by giving them the applicability of the NFU from the same date as it was made applicxable to other Group A organized services and the tech allowances should be treated in the same manner as other allownaces.

  17. sir,
    highlights with limited understanding ;

    Entry pay for Colonels reduced from 40890+8700=49590 to 48900/- .For civilians with grade pay 8900, it is increased from 48590 to 49100/-. Multiplication factor for starting pay for 8900 grade pay for civilians taken as 2.67 and for brigadiers taken as 2.57. It seems the cpc has corrected something from the last cpc by doing this. not clear...

    Furlough abolished, rations in peace station for officers abolished. disability pension for defence only reverted back to slab system. No increase in retirement age for anyone in defence, no increase in percentage pension, no nfu whereas for civilians orop after serving 60 years. increase in retirement age of CAPf from 58 to 60 and orop.

    Tier 2 technical allowance in limbo.

    Trainig instructor allownace at par with civilians seems to be the only silver lining

    not seen any reduction in any other allowance, privileges of any other civilian organisation. . hope read the report correctly.

    Edge now officially merged in msp. msp highlighted as increase from 6000 to 15500 whereas it is already 13500 on 01 january 2016 and a 14.5 percent or so is increased.

    Siachen allowance increased highlighted but only few thousand out of large manpower affected.

    Detachment allowance on the lines of capf not given with the reason that defence moves with the HQ as if capf moves without their relevant HQ..

    Find logic at some places missing or misplaced..

    could u update.. on the above issues for clarity please.

  18. Another anamoly that is evident and willl become a contentious issue is the pay fixation of defence forces officers without implementation of NFU. While using the multiplication factor of 2.57 and 2.67 for lvel 13 and 14 the commission has not factored in the impact of NFU not being granted to defence forces. While the grade pay of 8900/10000 was added to the basic pay of the Group Organized services who have attained 20 years of service by being eligible for NFU same is not applicable to armed forces officers. The grade pay in their respect was restricted to 8700 as they were not eligible for NFU. This would lead to all services who were given NFU to be fixed at higher basic pay level in the matris at level 14 whereas all defence pesonnel up to the rank of brigradial and equivalent would be fixed at a much lower lecel. this will have severe ramifications.
    Another glaring anamoly is abolishment of grant of tech allowance for tier II cources. This was a significant allowance and loss of Rx 4500/- per month and no increase in allowance for Tier I course will severely impact the total take home.
    I hope that the defence officers community and its responsible leadership would be very vocal about these anamolies and we look up to our Chiefs to take up the matter with teh Govt strongly. the pay of the officers should be adjusted by giving them the applicability of the NFU from the same date as it was made applicxable to other Group A organized services and the tech allowances should be treated in the same manner as other allownaces.

  19. They did it again!
    6.2.30 The Commission notes that this issue was deliberated upon in the discussion after the VI CPC Report at various levels in the government. The Commission has taken note of the fact that the Committee of Secretaries (COS) in 2008 did not accept the merger of Rank Pay in Basic Pay. Subsequently, while examining draft service instructions for pay revision, Ministry of Finance also did not approve the merger of Rank Pay with Basic Pay and observed that Pre revised Scales and Rank Pay should be shown distinctly in two separate columns in pay fixation tables. Service instructions were issued accordingly. The government’s settled view is that the stand of Armed Forces for merger of Rank Pay with Pay Scale for determining Grade
    Pay is not correct which has also been upheld by the Apex Court. The Commission agrees with this view, and holds that there is no case for revision in the grade pays by taking Rank Pay into consideration while determining the top of the pay scales of certain ranks.

  20. Thanks Maj Navdeep for the prompt update. The new slabs of disability pension are truly unrealistic from any point of view, and the govt should retain the existing percentage system.

    Another gross anomaly / error is that broad banding of disability is recommended for those retiring with 'greater than 20 per cent' disability. Those who are with 20 per cent disability would not get the benefit of broad banding, or their disability pension is also being recommended to be taken away. Currently people less than 20 per cent disability don't get disability element, but with 20 per cent do get it. How can people entrusted with such a great responsibility make such errors. They might sack their juniors for it. Or is it intentional?

  21. Nothing much for the Indian Coast Guard. The gap between them and the Navy which was Rs 6600 as MSP has widened to Rs 15550. Such a big difference appears slightly unjustified.

  22. Thank you Maj Navdeep. Since morning I was trying to understand the logic of Rs27000 for disabilty slab rate, whether they forgot to add DA or multiply with 2.57.

  23. Free rations at peace postings to be abolished.

  24. Maj Navdeep, could you also shed light on various other provisions recommended in the CPC. Just like you have brought out various observations in this article. Not everyone is able to understand the nuances of CPC. Understand that it is a big report but over time would appreciate if you do keep bringing out your analysis of other provisions as well.

  25. Major Navdeep, nobody has commented regarding the CHANGED RATES of TA/DA rates of HOTELS/FOOD etc while on TD. Can you throw some light? Warm regards Conscience

  26. Sir what bout SSC officer between 10-14 years of service and ECHS facility for SSC officet

  27. Dear Maj Navdeep

    How come the free rations entitled for the service officers be withdrawn. Moreover, the service veterans got OROP after years of struggle. Now, even the civilians have been given OROP. What is your take on this.

  28. Sir,

    A question/ pension 50% of last pay drawn or is it the average of last 10 months ? ...can you give authority too ? ..


  29. Dear Navdeep, Surprisingly the commission has not revised gallantry award allowance. I think the gallantry awardees also deserve enhancement of monetary benefits. In this case commission has tried to hide behind the VI pay commission statement that award allowance can be revised at any time by Govt so need not be done by pay commission. I hope this does not turn out to be typical case of 'Everybody is responsible means Nobody is responsible' and awardees are left high and dry .

  30. dear sir....
    with regard to the same report there have been certain omissions in the allowances like the HUACL allowance which we used to get and the commission further recommends scrapping of the free rations applicable to defence officers posted in peace may be noted that whereas the commission has been ruthless in cutting down of allowances it has been really scared of doing a similar cut job with the pay and allowances pertaining to IAS officers. decrease in the rate of HRA to 24 % will further hurt as the people getting posted to NCR and similar places with shortfall of accomodation will feel the heat in later part of 10 yrs..


  31. Free ration ceased; technical allowance cut down;

  32. The commission seems not aware of the Lt Col (Selection). What about their pension ? Will they get higher pension than Old Lt Col (TS) ?

  33. Thank you Maj Navdeep. The report will be a great help.

  34. I feel that the Commission has not applied their wisdom in deciding the MSP. They have simply multiplied the existing rate with three without taking cognizance of the emotions and aspirations of the majority as well as and correct assessment of the situation in ground.
    Your esteemed views on the issue is solicited

  35. As GOI has already notified that OROP will be given to defense pensioners (before 7th pay report) based on year 2013.So,Suppose PENSION of 2004 retiree P.O is fixed to 7000 as per notified OROP on 1.7.2015. Then the PENSION on 1.1.2016 will be (7000×2.57=17990) OR As per 7th pay matrix ((29200+5200)/2=17200)??

  36. Dear Maj Navdeep
    If you may please clarify two pts related to 7th pay commission report_

    Firstly the multiplying factor of 2.67 has been given to civilians in respect of 13A ie earstwhile GP of 8900 whereas for Army Brig in defence side it is only 2.57.Also the civil side the table goes upto 19 yrs and top cieling goes upto 21800 or so where as in defence table it is only upto 191000 or so.Why this discrepency.
    Secondly IAS have been given special duty allce of 30% which is more than Siachen allce .i.e R1H1 which defy logic.
    Thand you.

  37. Dear Major Navdeep
    You very correctly have pointed out the highlights and certain anomalies in the recommendations of the 7th CPC.Some additional observations are made here which can be pursued at the right forum:-
    1) Taking a wrong interpretation about the Rank Pay has again resulted in lowering of the multiplication factor for below the rank of Brigadiers. This obviously needs correction in the Pay Matrix.
    2) The Pay structure and the Pension of the finally accepted 6th CPC in case of AMC, ADC,etc stands modified vis-a- vis other Defense Officers . This again has been probably intentionally overlooked by the 7th CPC so as to allow it to remain a bone of contention.
    3) The accepting principle of NPA @ 25 % has been diluted to @ 20 % which will definitely not be acceptable to the effected group even in case of CGHS Doctors.
    4) The free ration / Ration Money to officers posted in peace areas has been recommended to be abolished which is again ridiculous and not acceptable.
    5) The MSP is which is to be taken as part of Basic Pay for all purposes including Pension calculation is recommended to be ignored while calculating biennial Dearness allowance, which only stinks of jealousy.
    6) The so called rationalisation of HRA to 24%, 16% and 8 % seems to be most irrational.
    7) Reverting back to pre-2006 slab system of Disability pension only for Defense persons reflects the sick mind of the persons recommending it thus showing insensitiveness to the disabled soldiers most of whom became disabled for these in sensitive people.It needs to be condemned at all quarters.
    - Col. Vashisht

  38. SIR ;




  39. Hello Sir,

    I am regular follower of your blog. It was good to see your updated blog on the 7th CPC.

    Sir , can you please elaborate on the revised ( as recommended by the 7th CPC ) disability award given to medically boarded out Cadets of IMA Dehradun. Can we expect these recommendations to see the light of the day ??

    Following is the extract from the original report of 7th CPC -

    10.2.66 The Services have sought enhancement of ex-gratia disability award equal to stipend
    paid to cadets from the existing ₹6,300 per month for 100 percent disability. In support of their
    demand it has been contended that training of cadets is extremely demanding and a cadet is
    susceptible to injuries. Therefore there is a need to indemnify a cadet against any disability
    which may occur during the period of training "

    Thank you in advance.

  40. Raw deal for faujis.

    (1)Edge we had over civilians after V CPC in terms of rank pay has been done away with.
    (2)MSP not added to arrive at new basic.
    (3)MSP not counted for HRA, composite transfer grant which we enjoyed till now.
    (4)Proposal of revision of GP of captain to 6600, major to 7600,
    Lt col to 8700, col to 9000 has been rejected.
    (5)Family planning allowance abolished.
    (6)KMA abolished.
    (7)HRA for every class of city reduced by 6%. Faujis get effected most by this because of transfers.
    (8)Presently Technical pay is 7500/-(Tier I and Tier II together) and it increases with DA. Post 7 CPC, Tier II stands abolished. Tier I is fixed 3000 and does not increase when DA crosses 50%. However, flying allowance is enhanced up to 25000/- and increases by 25% when ever DA goes up by 50%. Some of the old timers may remember how tech pay was introduced in V cpc for engineers. It was after a mutiny in Air Force when flying bounty was introduced which caused huge pay disparity. 7 CPC Inviting similar resentment within the forces.
    (9)Technical allowance for engineers is 3000/- where as for diploma holders it is 6200/- which is an anomaly.
    (10)Boiler watch keeping allowance does not go up with DA after 7CPC. It use to increase with DA during 6CPC. Personnel who served in ships will understand what it takes to stand in boiler room which is at more than 50 degree temperature and ship is rolling to give nauseatic motion sickness.
    (11)Hard lying money does not increase with DA anymore.
    (12)Hospitality allowance of senior officers is abolished.
    (13)Composite transfer grant reduced from one month basic pay to just 80% of basic pay. Henceforth, NPA and MSP are not part of basic for CTG.
    (14)Transport charges for only one car or one two wheeler. Not both.
    (15)100 units of free electricity which we enjoyed till now is abolished. Henceforth, MES will charge us for electricity.
    (16)Funeral expenses stands abolished. That means family of soldier killed in action has to take care of funeral expenses. Will state funeral in case become doubtful????
    (17)Island allowance for personnel posted in port blair reduced to 12.5% from existing 20% of basic.
    (18)NPA for doctors reduced from 25% to 20% of basic.
    (19)Ration allowance for personnel in peace posting is withdrawn. MAJOR LOSS.
    (20)Spectacle allowance abolished. All those who develop eye sight, military hospitals cannot issue spects anymore.
    (21)Interest free advances like PMT duty advance, LTC advance etc abolished. we need to complete journey and then claim. That means an assured bribes to CDA authorities.
    (22)NFU rejected for defence forces by commission although chairman is positive about it.
    (23) Report also says any allowance not mentioned in pay commission stand abolished. Does that mean the gas money(free gas cylinders), free furniture and water provided by MES stands withdrawn????

  41. At the outset let me thank you sir for publishing the salient features of the 7CPC. After going through the Pay Matrix recommended for civilian employees and defence personnel I have noticed various shortcomings which if addressed properly would enable the defence personnel to gain the precinct glory that they had lost since long. These are:-
    1. If you compare the initial two stages of pay scales (15600-39100) & (37400-67000)you will notice that while there are only 6 stages of grade pay for civilians, there exists 7 stages for defence personnel. This is not a new found anomaly. This is continuing from 6CPC because of which even Coast Guard Officers went ahead of Armed forces officers in hierarchy as well as in pay scales. If this is not rectified the armed forces officers will remain junior to all others in hierarchy.

    2. Do we really need a separate pay matrix for armed forces when the problem of truncated career is taken care of by means of "Military Service Pay" which is reckoned for pension and other benefits. The ORs who have been equated with skilled labourers can start at higher scale as recommended by 7 CPC.

    3. Sufficient number of incremental stages for defence personnel not provided which will lead to stagnation of basic pay. In the case of civilians they have been provided upto 40 stages as against 24 stages recommended for armed forces.

    4. Since the armed forces officers have assured career progression upto col(TS), maximum number of officers will be retiring at the age of 56 years. Therefor an officer who gets the commission at the age of 21 would have rendered at least 35 years of service before his superannuation from defence. Since only 24 stages of incrementation have been provided in 7 CPC, officers are sure to get stagnated in the service. This is equally applicable to ORs also, especially JCOs and equivalent who can serve upto the age of 55 yrs or 35 years of service whichever is earler.

    Since the above issues have not been touched upon in your comments, I would request you to give your comments on the above points for the benefit of all armed forces personnel. I personally feel that armed forces should not agree to a separate pay matrix and to fight for equality and for single pay matrix as applicable for civilian employees.

  42. as per 7 CPC they have abolished grade pay(rank pay). and i have noticed it in their given examples that when they multiplied the last basic with 2.57 factor they didnt took consideration of grade pay of of personnel eg if basic was 11000+ 2800(GP)+2000(msp). in new calculation they multiplied 11000*2.57=28270, n0w they added msp to it 28270+5200=33470/- . Sir my query id where that sum of Rs 2800/- went. They abolished it fine with that but they didnt took it into consideration while calculating new pay scale .


  43. Though a separate pay matrix has been drawn out for defence personnel, but it seems that the armed forces have been given a raw deal by not giving the same level of multiple factors for officers who are in pay level of 12A, 13 and 13A. This will change the status and pay scale of officers of armed forces. Coast Guard officers will gain from this type of pay matrix. The armed forces have been getting a raw deal from IV CPC onwards. The status of Major was reduced during IV CPC. Similarly the status of Lt.Col was tinkered with during V CPC and Col. was treated shabbily during VI CPC. Now the present pay commission gave a multiple factor of 2.57 to a Brigadier while the civilian counter part was given 2.67 multiple factor.

    The armed forces had made big hue and cry for OROP and the 7 CPC gave the recommendation for making it equally applicable for one and all...... Good progress...... What is happening to our armed forces?

  44. Some other highlights are :
    1. Furlough abolished.
    2. No entitled ration or ration money in peace stn.
    3. CTG only 80% of basic and for this purpose MSP and NPA will not form part of basic pay.
    4. No incr in no of days for leave encashment.
    5. 7 cpc believes that in 6 cpc Lt col, col and brig got max incr hence this time their factor of multiplication was kept lowest at 2.57.
    6. KMA and outfit allce replaced with Dress allce of 20,000/- Rs payable in July every year.
    7. On NFU, the commission was split with Chairman recommending for def as well as capf along with Org gp A but members dissented with Vivek Rae,IAS shooting the gun from the shoulders of Defence forces, stating that they deserved it more than any one else but he was of the opinion that none should get it as everyone should not expect to get the benefits of HAG without shouldering those responsibilities.

  45. In view of the order on OROP wherein the pension is to be revised once in 5 years after its implementation, will the 7CPC recommendations be implemented with effect from 1 Jan 16 for defence pensioners?

  46. Sir,

    To derive full benefit from your intricate understanding and knowledge, It is requested that the 7th CPC Report be analysed by your good self under two heads - Serving and Retired wherein the positives and negatives wrt conditions as existing presently under 6th CPC and also in relation to other Central Govt services as would be applicable now with 7th CPC, be highlighted if convenient to you.


    Lt Col HPS Mann

  47. Can I get your mail I'd, so that I can certain observations of SCPC .


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