Saturday, October 1, 2016

Delinking of service requirement of 33 years for full pension: Orders issued by Ministry of Defence

The orders delinking service of 33 years for earning full pension, as directed by the High Court and affirmed by the Supreme Court, have been issued for pre-2006 defence pensioners by the Ministry of Defence and can be downloaded/accessed by clicking here.

Please do not send me individual mails/texts/messages/queries regarding this subject or on the latest pensionary notification issued with respect to the 7th Central Pay Commission. Whatever needs to be commented upon by me would be stated here on this blog. Please however feel to discuss the issue under the comments section.

Thank You


  1. Dear Maj Navdeep, hearty congrats and respect for your untiring efforts for the armed forces people. Please info me a Havilder serving 20 yrs and retired in 2000, what will be his pension under new scheme or rule after 7CPC?

    Lt Col TS.

  2. Thanks NAvdeep. Have a query and may be many of us will have similar ones. I retired after 23 y service as Cdr (S) and my pension was fixed as 23285 (approx) after weighteage of 7 y was withdrawn. post OROP the pension is fixed as 32428 (approx). So how does para 6 of the GOI letter apply to such cases? Do they get pension fixed as 26265 and then refix the OROP pension accordingly or it stays as such because OROP pension is higher that what is fixed for 33 y after 1.1.2006 as per this letter? Or will the pension between 1.1.2006 and 1.7.2014 will only change and arrears paid?

    1. Your pension will remain as per OROP. However you will get arrears from 01/01/2006 to 30/06/2014. Amount will be 26265 - your basic pension before OROP. Total of 104 months, also DA as applicable

  3. sir.. welcome news but for pbor cir 430and cir 501 where notional maximum was considered and pro rata reduced how it will be protected? and how the said circulars are enacted once the pro rata was removed and not read by babus then..even c 501 has merged non diploma sgt with diploma sgt and the present OM has again opened it ..the present om has extended the circular 547 without pro rata from 01/01/2006 ... without considering the effect of c 430 and c 501... how to separate MGP from notional maximum as far as c 439 and c 501 are concerned with a favorable protective clause..
    sir if you can throw some light on mentioned confusion it will be helpful..

  4. The 7th CPC in its report clearly states that the 6 CPC had delinked the QS of 33 years for full pension for armed forces. It is unfortunate that this order is issued only on 30th September 2016.

    Are there any rules that looks into inaction by the concerned official.

  5. Dear Sir,
    The rank applied in these tables is rank in which pensioned or last rank held?

  6. The orders delinking service of 33 years is applicable for ex recruits who are medically board out

  7. from 01.1.2006 upto which date Sir?

  8. Dear Sir

    As per your previous blogpost.

    Why the delinking of 33 years of service was not done on Maximum Scales as pensions
    were fitted on Prorata of Maximum Basic wef 01-07-2009 for pre 2006 defence pensioners.

    Thanks and regards
    Balbir Singh

  9. Would this also impact the OROP fixation of personnel having less than 33 years service?

  10. Sir, Circular 568 issued for DL 33 arrears and even bolg VOICE OF EXSERVICEMEN posted a calculator for it. But sir you have not write on your blog any word.

    Are you too busy or any reason we are waiting to read you

    VS Nain

  11. Implementation of Circular 568 until 01 jul 2014 is clear as it dispenses with the criteria of 20 years, however, since OROP is also based on recon-able service , in such a condition OROP must also be implemented for dispensing with 33 years criteria, this needs clarification and may be an example worked out

  12. Sir, I Served for 15 yrs and 7 months as Sepoy and retired in 30 Sep 2000. How much will get as DL 33.

  13. Having received arrears of the increased pension on account of de linking of service length and given full pension, an era ends for me. My father Lt Col passed away at age 94 in year 2010 . He had service in PWD before his army service. With these arrears all his service in PWD so to say also got accounted fully towards pension.
    My personal Thanks to this Blog for keeping me updated with developments right from the year 2008 , due to which we could get all entitlements of his pension revisions by the 6th CPC.


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