My oped that appeared in Swarajyamag:
“The Problem Of Indian Judiciary Everyone’s Talking But Doing Nothing About-Tribunals”
slow on tribunals, strengthen real Courts
Reckless tribunalisation must
be halted
recent statement of the Chief Justice of India on non-availability of
Chairpersons, Members and Infrastructure for Tribunals again reflects a
dangerous obsession with these bodies which have their roots in the emergency
era and the 42nd Amendment. While much focus remained on the NJAC verdict, what
escaped notice is the irony that the cardinal principle of separation of powers
is more under threat via reckless tribunalisation in our country,
which tacitly, is not only ensuring the control of the uninitiated over
judicial functioning but also curtailing access to justice for the common
citizen. Away from the real or perceived friction between the executive and the
judiciary, it is widespread tribunalisation which is slowly eating
away core judicial functions thereby denuding real Courts and imperiling actual
independence of the judiciary. Even the Prime Minister’s very valid and introspective
question last year on the desirability of tribunalisation has failed to dent
our complacent thought-process. And it seems that many in the judiciary and
government also are not keen to rock the boat for the concept provides
comfortable post retirement sinecure. It further appears odd that provisions
for appointment of senior retired Constitutional Court judges have been made in
many tribunals which at times are just courts of first instance. It is yet
another interesting matter that the ostensible motives behind creation of
tribunals, that is, of easing the burden of the regular judiciary and quicker
dispensation of justice, are the biggest myths, with the backlog increasing,
rather than decreasing, after creation of tribunals in certain jurisdictions.
how does tribunalisation affect judicial independence furtively?
tribunals operate under the thumb of parent administrative ministries against
whom many of them are meant to pass orders, therefore remaining at their mercy
with visible and invisible strings for facilities, infrastructure and also
rule-making. Despite deprecation of this arrangement and constant efforts by
the Ministry of Law & Justice to bring all tribunals under its own nodal
control to offset such conflict of interest, there has been steadfast
resistance by ministries eager not to loosen their respective grips. Even as
back as in August 2001, Mr Arun Jaitley, the then Law Minister, had informed
the Parliament about the positives of bringing tribunals under the said
Ministry in line with Supreme Court directions, but fifteen years down the
line, the situation remains the same despite the desire of the political
executive to undertake reforms. More than anything else, the confidence of
litigants is shaken by the very thought of approaching a quasi-judicial body
which operates under the aegis of the department against whom the case has been
Secondly, the
Secretary of the said ministry sits on the panel for selecting and reappointing
the adjudicating members and also has a role to play in disciplinary
committees. For instance, the Defence Secretary is a part of the committee for
selection and re-appointment of members of the Armed Forces Tribunal, and
the said Secretary is that very officer against whom all tribunal orders are to
be passed.
Thirdly, under
the garb of providing cheaper and informal adjudication, appeals have been provided,
on very limited grounds, directly to the Supreme Court from some tribunals
making access to justice a far call with some litigants accepting injustice
rather than challenging orders simply because they cannot afford prohibitive
costs of litigation in the apex court. The very valid dicta of the Constitution
and Three Judge Bench of the Supreme Court in the cases of L Chandra Kumar and RK Jain respectively, favouring judicial review by the affordable
and accessible High Courts from the orders of tribunals, has had no positive
persons who at times have served as part of the same ministries are appointed
as members and who carry with them their own personal experiences and
over-familiarity making justice subjective as compared to judges who bear no
such baggage and are trained to be objective. This is not to suggest that all
non-judicial members are alike, some of them might be outstanding in approach,
but it is too dangerous to rely on fortuitous personality-oriented traits. Further,
they might be excellent professionals in their own fields, but just as legal or
judicial professionals cannot be expected to be trained in other fields,
members of different vocations cannot be expected to imbibe judicial temper one
fine day, and judicial functions are not hit and trial experiments. As back as in 1951, Simon Rifkind, an American
Judge, for the same reason, famously lambasted specialized courts by stating
that such systems reinforce the seclusion of that branch and further immunize
it against the refreshment of new ideas which constitute the very tissue of any
living system of law. He added, “in time, like primitive priest-craft content
with its vested privileges, it ceases to proselytize”.
Fifthly, a
majority of non-judicial members are not legally qualified and hence are not
even eligible to appear before such tribunals while they are allowed
to exercise judicial functions while sitting on the bench.
some tribunals are not even vested with powers of civil contempt thereby
leaving them toothless qua enforcement.
Supreme Court and many of our High Courts have expressed grave concern on
almost all aspects flagged above. As stated at the outset, the Prime Minister
too, last year, spoke about his dissatisfaction with tribunalisation, but then
directions of Constitutional courts and words of the highest of the political
executive are being held hostage to administrative lethargy, cussedness and not
so praiseworthy intentions, which should be unacceptable in a constitutional democracy.
salvage, and to ensure that tribunalisation does not threaten the
judicial fabric of our country, the following pointers may warrant attention:
(A) All tribunals must be
immediately placed under the Ministry of Law & Justice and finally an
independent National Tribunals Commission, totally out of the purview of parent
ministries. The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) which functions under the
Law Ministry (and not the Finance Ministry) is a healthy example of such an
arrangement. Members of tribunals must be given the best of facilities to
attract the finest talent, but then the facilities and infrastructure must not
be from the departments against which the tribunals are meant to pass orders.
(B) To offset conflict of
interest, the Secretary of the department against which the tribunal is
to pass orders must not be associated with the selection process. Further, the
‘dangling carrot’ syndrome of re-appointment must be abrogated for former
judges as well as non-judicial members. Legislation dealing with tribunals
must ensure that at best High Court Chief Justices or Judges or lawyers with
impeccable credentials fulfilling the criterion of appointment are made
eligible for appointment of Chairperson or Judicial Members, and not Supreme
Court Judges, in order to maintain the majesty and dignity of the highest Court
of the land.
(C) Tribunals should only be
allowed to be constituted in highly technical matters where scientific expertise
of non-judicial members is required, such as engineering and electricity, or in
benign areas such as consumer rights where an informal approach is preferred.
(D) Tribunals must not be
allowed to encroach upon core judicial functioning of regular Courts in disputes
which are essentially civil in nature or disputes between individuals and the
State involving fundamental rights. Instead, regular judiciary should be
strengthened to relieve their burden and judges should be allocated
consistently stable subject-wise rosters as per their aptitude and expertise. Another
desirable system is introduction of a concept akin to the newly introduced
Commercial Courts which exercise special jurisdiction and decide cases in a
time-bound manner and within the existing judicial set-up thereby boosting the
confidence of litigants and the citizenry.
(E) There must be no direct
appeal to the Supreme Court from a tribunal with original
jurisdiction. At least a three tier hierarchy with a time-bound framework be
conceptualized for all tribunals out of which one should be a vested right of
appeal or judicial review. It must also be realized that High Courts are much
more accessible and affordable for litigants than the highest Court of the land
approaching which is almost impossible for the common citizen. The appeal thereafter from the High Court to the Supreme Court should be restricted only to the rarest of rare cases involving points of law of general public importance. The system being
followed from orders of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) is a perfect positive
example worth emulation.
(F) All tribunals must be
provided with the power of civil contempt and a statutory execution procedure
to give effect to their decisions so as not to render them toothless.
the landmark verdicts on judicial independence throughout our independent
history or the much cherished concept of separation of powers would remain
consigned to the book if we allow reckless and extensive tribunalisation,
since in this roundabout manner, though the Courts would remain independent in
theory, their functions practically would stand transferred to tribunals
thereby bringing to naught all positive strides in this direction, and if, in
the words of the Calcutta High Court, which I often quote, “matters of justice
and equity are left to tribunals manned by the uninitiated to pronounce upon, justice
becomes the casualty and inequity the order of the day”.
shrill alarm raised by the Courts as well as the highest of the political
executive, but would it awaken the legal-judicial ecosystem?
Very valid points Sir....hope someone will take appropriate measures.
ReplyDeleteDear Maj Navdeep,
ReplyDeleteAn excellent article.
Same is the case of arbitration in real estate. Senior citizens are suffering in the "safe" hands of builders and service provider appointed by them. They do not have any remedy except through Consumer Forum which gives limited relief in years.
Tribunals.regulatory bodies and x-man commissions are a nice way of rewarding retired government 'servants' and other folks who looked after the interests of the respective ministers and governments while they were in service. Also helps the government of the day dangle carrots at near retirement babus lest they get too independent to let their conscience affect their real work thereby becoming a hindrance in the government managing them. Nice cosy club that works well. Gubernatorial assignments like governorship and ambassadorship are another fertile ground for cultivating such patronage. Influencing such out of the work folks is also simpler because of the cloak of respectability outside the glare of public eye that such assignments afford.
ReplyDeleteWither governance.